View Full Version : Edit Mtext

2004-07-09, 05:34 PM

Are there any other way to edit mtext other than regular ddedit? I've just started working for this company and all text are done in mtext.
Internal text editor here is wordpad. So, when I try to change a small text, for example, from "2x4" to "4x4", worldpad is brought up. It is really a time consumming. With dtext I can edit that instantly.

Thanks for your helps.

2004-07-09, 05:43 PM

Check out the following Submission # EX001027 by Peter Jamtgaard on the AUGI Exchange Page -

AUGI Exchange Search Page (

Have a good one, Mike

2004-07-09, 06:08 PM
If it's OK with the company, you can change the mtext editor to the standard AutoCAD one

2004-07-09, 06:21 PM

Thanks for your helps. Brenda, I did change it to internal editor ; however, with mtext editor you still have to click the 'OK' button to go to the next entity.

Here is my pattern of doing text. I look at the red mark, look at the screen, fix text, then while hit the 'enter' key, I look at the remark for the next text...and so on. With Mtext editor, after fix the text, I have to look at the screen and aim my cursor at the 'OK' button ('cause 'OK' button is not that big.)

Again thanks for your respond


2004-07-10, 11:55 AM
Actually, I think you can just click anywhere outside the text box to close it. It works in 2004 and is one of my favorite tips, and I learned about it here... gotta love the forums :)

2004-07-10, 01:10 PM
Perhaps the find function might help with this process as well?

2004-07-10, 03:17 PM
In addition to Brenda's reply, <Ctrl><Enter> closes the dialog box.

2004-07-12, 01:48 PM
If you are using a version prior to 2004 release you can simply hit 'tab' then 'enter' or 'spacebar' to exit. Hope that helps.