View Full Version : Zero Suppression in Integers and Numbers

2007-03-07, 08:49 PM
For scheduling consistency and graphic consistency/clarity in tags, we would like to retain leading zeros in numbers that will always be 2 or 3 digits. This is specific to parameters for numbers or integers. I know how to control the rounding and the decimal places but cannot find a way to include a leading zero.


03 instead of 3

010 instead of 10

This is one of the few things I could do easily in ADT that I cannot do in Revit. Any solutions? Other than making the parameter text which defeats the purpose? Work-arounds? I can get a tag to look correct with a lot of trickery and text but it's a lot of effort and then does not match the schedule.

PS: Is there a syntax for a search that would reveal results on this topic? Had to believe I am the first to ask about leading zeros and zero suppression but I was unable to find anything.

2007-03-07, 09:40 PM
Can't be done. This is being used for? I can see it for a mark, but those you have to type in yourself - so it would be a text field and allow 030 just fine.

My $00000.02 cents. ;-)

2007-03-08, 12:56 AM
Can't be done. This is being used for?
Bummer. Guess this is another on my list of "get over it" issues... Oh, well.

Attached is a PDF of one example where I wanted the leading zero to display but wanted a number and not text. It's a material schedule created as a gutter key schedule (don't ask...). Just a QC thing - this should be a number and nothing else ever so I just wanted it to be impossible to enter anything except the integer. You would be surprised what users might do and since we cannot monitor 60 projects and 160 people, we try to build as many transparent safeguards into templates as possible. We want flexibility and want to avoid the Standards Police thing we had in ADT but if it's easy to control and no one knows the difference, it is the right decision. We could debate forever whether the leading zero is necessary.

In this case, text works and sorts correctly if I want to risk that someone will make it something other than a number. In other cases where I needed the parameter to use for a calculated value and still wanted the lead zero to display, I could not do it.

It's not a huge crisis but since I can do this in Excel, AutoCAD, ADT and more, I wanted to do it in Revit also. Dear Santa, I want it all! :)