View Full Version : QLeader 'automatic' control of the tail / extension line

2007-03-09, 07:56 PM
qleader: Does anyone know how to control the length of the segment created after the last point has been picked?

My settings for qleader have been set to only allow 2 points with an attached mtext. My first point is picked and then a second and then mtext is entered - command is completed and leader and mtext is placed. But.......I have this horizontal second segment created which is very small. I don't mind having that second 'automatic' segment, but I would like to be able to control it. The length seems to be calculated in this fashion: dimasx multiplied by dimscale. Is there any other way to control it?

2007-03-12, 03:28 AM
You could make a LISP routine to set the value. Either that or perhaps use a different dim style that give the size you want. Actually something as simple as a macro might do the trick.

2007-03-12, 06:36 AM
[ SNIP ]

The length seems to be calculated in this fashion: dimasx multiplied by dimscale. Is there any other way to control it?Hi

That length is controlled by DimScale x DimAsz [ Controlling the leader extension length (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/item?siteID=123112&id=2886863&linkID=2475323) ].

As Steve suggested above, a routine could be created / written to aid the process OR look at setting up a Child DimStyle for Leaders eg

Leaders and Tolerances

Have a good one, Mike