View Full Version : Grid line should NOT be displaying here...

2007-03-12, 09:08 PM
I have a situation where I don't want a grid line to be shown in a view.

I've adjusted the grid line's "extents" to only intersect certain levels in my project, but for some reason, the grid line is still showing on the ninth floor. In other views, this is behaving properly, just not in certain views.

I initially thought it was because I had scope boxes controlling the view's crop region, but it didn't fix the problem when I turned that off. I tried turning off the crop region, no luck... The levels are not associated with any scope box.

Any suggestions?

2007-03-12, 09:16 PM
How far down is the view range on that floor plan looking? Down to the level below? Unlimited?

2007-03-13, 12:50 AM
View Properties and View Range...

2007-03-13, 12:52 AM
Select the grid line (not the symbol) and pick Hide Annotation in View

2007-03-13, 02:06 AM
That was my first option, but there are quite a few views where grid lines need to be turned off and this is a much more efficient method.

This should work...

2007-03-13, 04:47 AM
It looks like the 3D extent grip is very close to the cut plane of the level's view. Did you try to raise it a bit higher?

2007-03-13, 03:09 PM

How are you? How is your Revit uswer group? Mine are great and growing every meeting. We should find a way to cross over for presentations.

Anyways, It is my understanding that Scope Boxes are designed to control datums, grid lines as well. Once you assign datum elements to a Scope Box then the Scope Box controls their visibility in any view. When you limit the height of the Scope Box, either when you sketch it's boundaries and set the height from the Level you are currently working from the Option bar or drag it up or down in a 3D view, the height will restrict those datum elements from being displayed above that Sope Box.

From the issue you describe it would suggest that in the Scope Box Element Properties dialog box in the Extents row - View Visible Edit button > Scope Box Views Visible dialog box that your 19th floor is set to Visible for the grids. That somehow those Grids became part of a Scope Box.

Mel Persin, AIA

Wes Macaulay
2007-03-13, 03:18 PM
Something's wrong. You could try taking a plan view that works properly, making a view template from it, and then applying it to your 9th floor plan. I've had views get bunged up and exhibit errors like you're talking about here. Also try auditing the file; I've gotten results from that of late.

2007-03-13, 06:54 PM

Anyways, It is my understanding that Scope Boxes are designed to control datums, grid lines as well. Once you assign datum elements to a Scope Box then the Scope Box controls their visibility in any view. When you limit the height of the Scope Box, either when you sketch it's boundaries and set the height from the Level you are currently working from the Option bar or drag it up or down in a 3D view, the height will restrict those datum elements from being displayed above that Sope Box.

From the issue you describe it would suggest that in the Scope Box Element Properties dialog box in the Extents row - View Visible Edit button > Scope Box Views Visible dialog box that your 19th floor is set to Visible for the grids. That somehow those Grids became part of a Scope Box.

Mel Persin, AIA
I'm right with ya... I didn't assign the scope box to the datum lines, only to the view... (See attached).

2007-03-13, 06:55 PM
It looks like the 3D extent grip is very close to the cut plane of the level's view. Did you try to raise it a bit higher?
I've moved it all over the board with no success. Other views update like it should...

2007-03-13, 06:57 PM
Something's wrong. You could try taking a plan view that works properly, making a view template from it, and then applying it to your 9th floor plan. I've had views get bunged up and exhibit errors like you're talking about here. Also try auditing the file; I've gotten results from that of late.
Tried an Audit - No luck...

Tried a Vew Template (for the second time) from a view where it's working properly - No luck...

Looks like I should probably submit this to Revit Support.

Thanks for all the good suggestions!

Paul Andersen
2007-03-14, 12:56 PM
Hey Tony, One other thing to try. Open the plan view and select the grid that is not behaving. Make sure that both ends are set to 3D. If either is set to 2D prior to adjustment in elevation it will remain on in plan.

Wes Macaulay
2007-03-14, 01:49 PM
Oooo -- Paul... I didn't know that! Nice catch. Tony, I've tried that and that's probably what's going on in your case.