View Full Version : pad is grading my site

Justin Marchiel
2007-03-12, 09:55 PM
Am i going crazy? I remember that when you inserted a pad it would cut thru a toposurface in the shape of the pad, and that was it. Now is seems that not only does it cut the topo, but the entire surface seems to grade to the heights of the pad.

is my old thinking correct? if not, how can i just get a hole in my toposurface? i just want a square to be cut straight down in my toposurface, without the pad grading my surface.



Dimitri Harvalias
2007-03-12, 10:52 PM
As far as I recall the pad has always either 'excavated' or 'filled' to suit the elevation of the pad. To have the pad cut down you just need to be sure the elevation property is set below the topo surface elevation.

Justin Marchiel
2007-03-12, 11:28 PM
see my attached image. The first one shows the site without the pad. the second one shows the pad inserted. notice that on top of the slope the contour lines are changed (which coinsides with the shape of the pad).

Does this help show my problem?


2007-03-13, 05:12 AM

That really looks like what happens when you add some points to the topo surface in an effort to "pre-define" you pad Elevation. Are you absolutely sure there are no additional points added to your topo surface in the new phase.

Just make sure there are NO topo points along that edge. Edit your New topo surface and delete any superflous elevation points.

Points. It is all about the points.

Hope that helps.

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-03-13, 06:09 AM
I tried to reproduce the problem and if the pad does not actually land on the slope then the site remains as intended. If it straddles the slope then it does get re-graded. No new points are added and therefore they can't be edited or eliminated.
Not sure if this is a bug or if it's intended behaviour.

2007-03-13, 03:28 PM
I tried the same thing with the toposurface and found that if I have any topo contours overapping each other of different elevations or datum then the pad will attempt to take the additional topo points lower or higher than and adjust the contour to itself.

Removing all errant topo points and keeping the toposurface clean of duplicate points in the same area of the toposurface that have different elevations so close together will avoid the pad trying to blend with those topo point elevations slopes.

Mel Persin, AIA

Justin Marchiel
2007-03-13, 03:55 PM
in my example i had 8 points. 2 at the top (to form the corners) 2 at the top of the slope, 2 at the bottom of the slope, and 2 at the bottom (to form the corners). there is not a bunch of other point laying around. Dimitri seems to have the same result as me.

Can the factory respond to this? I will also send a support request.


Justin Marchiel
2007-03-16, 04:18 PM
i filed a support request and autodesk said that this is the expected result based on the site condition and pad that i have.

The workaround that they suggested was to create a few more elevation points at the top (or bottom) of the toposurface to force the original heights back and ovewrite the pad grading.

I logged a request to have the pad act the same, no matter what the toposurface condition. I dont think it is good that depending on the toposurface, the pad acts differently.
