View Full Version : How do I create a Detailed Casework Sheet?

2007-03-14, 02:05 PM
I have built a 3d furniture component and have it placed into building project, yet the furniture component is extremely complicated. I want to insert plans, sections and details of JUST the furniture onto a casework sheet so that contractors will understand exactly what I want and how to build it. How do I go about isolating just this component to create a casework sheet (just like how it is in it's own component file) then insert it into construction sheets for my building project?
Is this at all possible?

2007-03-14, 02:26 PM
First thought, you could either place a callout on your floor plan around your piece of casework, then, in that callout view, turn everything else in your view off with the exception of your casework item, then cut detail sections from there and place your details and that callout on a sheet. You could also place interior elevations in your new callout view and cut sections from those. Basically, find a comfortable way for you to reference this piece of caswork to some new working views for this casework and just use visibility/graphics to control what you see in those new views.

Hope that helped.

2007-03-14, 02:57 PM
Hi there, and welcome! :)

You can also make a Legend View. If you make a Legend, ni the Drafting tab you will see the selection for a Legend Component. If you go to place a Leg. Component, in the option bar you will have a pull down for which family, and a pull down for plan/elevation, etc....

This will place the representation of the family in the legend, without having to make a live view of one placed in the model. This works wonders for any kind of retail work, or work involving items that move a lot throughout the CD process, as you do not have to worry about moving callouts when items move.

Legends have limitations though... Sometimes Dim's are finicky (you cant dimension wall layers in them...), but try that out. Good luck!

2007-03-14, 05:29 PM
I agree with Josh. Create a new plan view of the area and turn off everything but the casework. Create your sections and details from there and it will go pretty fast. When you are finished you can either use the details as created, or emblish or draft over the top. Method depends on level of detail included in casework family.