View Full Version : Odd annotation behavior?

2007-03-14, 04:43 PM
Odd annotation behavior you ask? But of course...

We're putting together a drawing set and have come across some odd behavior. This is primarily occurring with our Room tags, though some other annotation categories have been behaving similarly. We'll create a new view, crop it, and some of the annotations are still showing up beyond the crop boundary. With Room tags, any room that is in the crop region has it's tag display whether it is in the region or not. Is there any way to fix this?

We're working on a host file with 4 linked Revit models. We're using the "by linked view" in most cases, though custom settings are being used in some cases.


2007-03-14, 05:15 PM
Annotations are view specific and therefore will always display no matter the crop. You will need to window and erase the tags outside of the crop.

2007-03-14, 06:25 PM
They are view specific, however when you have a linked model and crop the view of the linked model they do crop - except of course when the crop boundary includes the object they are linked to. Callouts of detailed views behave similarly I believe (though don't quote me on that).

This is enough of a problem that Revit Architecture 2008 has a dedicated "annotation" crop box as well - though I think they should just make the actual crop box work the first time around. - Then again, I suppose there are cases where you want a different one for each...

Anyway, just wondering if there is a workaround in Revit 9.1 really. I know I can make a specific view in the linked file and then use the "by linked view" settings to fix it, but that's just a pain since we'll upgrade to RA2008 when it comes out and this will all be fixed...

2007-03-15, 02:40 AM
They are view specific, however when you have a linked model and crop the view of the linked model they do crop - except of course when the crop boundary includes the object they are linked to. Callouts of detailed views behave similarly I believe (though don't quote me on that).

This is enough of a problem that Revit Architecture 2008 has a dedicated "annotation" crop box as well - though I think they should just make the actual crop box work the first time around. - Then again, I suppose there are cases where you want a different one for each...

Anyway, just wondering if there is a workaround in Revit 9.1 really. I know I can make a specific view in the linked file and then use the "by linked view" settings to fix it, but that's just a pain since we'll upgrade to RA2008 when it comes out and this will all be fixed...

We have the same problem. Haven't found a good workaround, but what we have been doing is going to the file that we have linked in and move the annotation(s) so that it would appear within the crop region of the file we have link that model in.

2007-03-15, 03:19 AM
you could use a filled region and set the color to white and fill solid to block out anything that you dont want to see. Archaic but effective.

John Fleming
GMK Architecture, inc.

2007-03-15, 03:52 AM
you could use a filled region and set the color to white and fill solid to block out anything that you dont want to see. Archaic but effective.

John Fleming
GMK Architecture, inc.

the only problem with that is you can only use a fill region within the crop region itself. thought i could do it, but tried and failed. you also cannot use fill region on the titlesheet, if we could, then the fill region would help some.

2007-03-15, 02:18 PM
The problem for us is that we are issuing CDs early in April, and I don't know that we'll have RA2008 in by then. If I could count on that, then hooray. Otherwise, it looks like we're up a creek without a paddle. I wish they'd issue a patch for this one as it is not a minor issue...