View Full Version : 3D-HOUSE done in AutoCAD 2005

2007-03-15, 06:12 AM
exterior perspective of a house, done in AutoCAD 2005.

2007-03-15, 12:17 PM
Nice work!!!

2007-03-15, 03:20 PM
exterior perspective of a house, done in AutoCAD 2005.Good job. Did you draw all of it AutoCAD?

2007-03-17, 09:35 AM
thanks! Yes, it was all modeled & rendered using plain autocad2005, all available materials inside autocad library ,mapped pictures of doors & windows and lanscape library.
I like this cool landscape object in autocad but it was discontinued in A2007, i dont know why?

2007-03-21, 10:35 AM
5 stars for your work....

I like this cool landscape object in autocad but it was discontinued in A2007, i dont know why?
I always refer to this (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/dl/item?siteID=123112&id=8012645&linkID=2475176) and this (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/item?siteID=123112&id=7459946&linkID=2475323) to make a landscape object. You can load from 2005 library or create a TGA file for a new library.

By the way where you get the car file? I'm not sure it's there on 2005 library. Can I have it? :) I don't have any car file. Or we can trade any TGA file?

2007-03-25, 11:17 AM
i can't remember where i've got these 3Dcars. Anyway, here they are, your wish is my command... :)
By the way, I have a picture of my Boss(arab national with their costume), I would like to attached it my 3D view, how can I make it semilar properties with those people inside autocad landscape library?( 2 young lady and a middle aged man).
Tnx! 4 ur help.

2007-03-28, 10:21 AM
i can't remember where i've got these 3Dcars. Anyway, here they are, your wish is my command... :)
By the way, I have a picture of my Boss(arab national with their costume), I would like to attached it my 3D view, how can I make it semilar properties with those people inside autocad landscape library?( 2 young lady and a middle aged man).
Tnx! 4 ur help.

You need adobe photoshop to do that, make it two version, 1st one is image file and 2nd is opacity file. The image file is your boss picture surrounded by only black color.the opacity file is your boss picture is replaced by white color and surrounded by black color.
Then you can add those file to landscape library. If you don't mind,send me your boss picture, and I make it for you (for free of course, but if you want to send a payment I will not reject it :D)

Thx anyway for car file...

2007-04-01, 10:46 AM
tnx! ronie, I must learn photoshop first....can u give a step by step tutorial on this?(im asking to much! :) ) attached is the picture of my supervisor in rear view( he's camera shy :) ) tnx! a lot for your support.

2007-04-03, 09:30 AM
tnx! ronie, I must learn photoshop first....can u give a step by step tutorial on this?(im asking to much! :) ) attached is the picture of my supervisor in rear view( he's camera shy :) ) tnx! a lot for your support.

I take the picture first, ok? next time I logged in I'll send the result and write it down for you..

2007-04-04, 05:30 PM
tnx! ronie, I must learn photoshop first....can u give a step by step tutorial on this?(im asking to much! :) ) attached is the picture of my supervisor in rear view( he's camera shy :) ) tnx! a lot for your support.

here you go....hey what's your boss doing in my kitchen :D???

2007-04-05, 07:41 AM
This is great! your so good and very kind!..tnx! for this tutorial. I'm sure my arab boss would be surprise on how he get in to your kitchen.. :)
I think this is maybe good for one fastrack ATP course, so that other members could benefit from this. I thank you again ronie!..

2007-04-10, 11:42 AM
I think this is maybe good for one fastrack ATP course, so that other members could benefit from this. I thank you again ronie!..

thx, but what i wrote down is about adobe photoshop, i don't really believe it will accepted here...