View Full Version : Project title won't print on title sheet

2007-03-19, 12:34 PM
This is indeed very odd. Just last week, the project I was working on decided to not print the title text on the title sheet. It shows up on the screen just fine. There are no visibility yes/no parameters or anything like that associated with that particular title sheet family. The project title on all the other regular drawing sheets print fine. What could be happening here?

2007-03-19, 02:04 PM
I see that the title does print if I fit to page size 11x17 on our Xerox printer, but it's not printing on the Oce printer.

We also have another project that started having the same problem at the same time last week.

2007-03-19, 09:00 PM
HELP! MAJOR issues here, I can't get the project title to print on ANY of our title drawing sheet families. 24x36, 30x42, title centered, title on the right side of the sheet, it doesn't matter. This has never been a problem before last week, and I can't think of anything that has changed (same plotter, been on 9.1 for a few months now). I even tried raster printing with no success.

The title prints fine when fit to an 11x17 sheet on our copier machine, so this is quite baffling.

*edit* I opened a blank project with "Project Name" on the title sheet, that printed out fine. I change the project name to "Test" and that printed out fine. I thought maybe there was an issue with the length of the title, so I tried some of our other projects like "Ashley Homestore" and "New Middle School" and none of those would print correctly.

The regular drawing title blocks print fine with the title vertically along the right side of the sheet, and those of course use the same Project Name parameter as the title sheets.

2007-03-21, 06:38 PM
anybody have any clue? My boss is getting ticked about it, as am I. :banghead: