2004-07-13, 12:18 AM
I am having trouble getting a "revolved" balluster object to work
it gives me an error. anyone had any trouble with this?

Scott Hopkins
2004-07-13, 12:41 AM

It could be a bad profile definition in the balustrade family. If the profile isn't a closed loop you will get that type of error.

2004-07-13, 01:30 AM
Thanks scott but the solid of revolution completes properly
but when I load try to load the balluster into the railing
is when I get the error, I can get a rectanular or round extrusion to work
I even got a revolution to work once but havent been successful since, not sure what im doing wrong.

2004-07-13, 01:41 AM
Problem solved,
apparently the inside edge of the solid must be slightly offset from the axis of revolution such that there is a hole in the object, seems to work if I do that, if that were a problem with solids of revolution in general I would think it wouldnt allow the creation of an object whose edge is coincident with the axis, mysterious...

2004-07-13, 01:55 AM
Problem not solved,
I give up, that was not the solution...still getting errors

2004-07-13, 06:44 AM
hello there....
I did try out the revolved baluster..i guess the axis of revolution that u specify is not placed correctly or else u won't get this error.

Mr Spot
2004-07-13, 10:23 AM
Try changing the height of the baluster in the family and see if it adjusts. If it has constraint errors you will need to edit the revolve sketch to allow for changes in baluster height. If there are no errors i would have to see the family to determine the problem. What i think is happening is that you've defined the revolve to particular height without allowing for it to adjust and in the project when you are creating the baluster it is of a different height to that of the family...


2004-07-13, 10:46 AM
Traditionally, turned balusters are manufactured (if not bespoke) with an unturned section at either end for the site joiner to trim as required, both the respond to railing height and angle. If you made your family with the turned pattern locked either side of a ref plane defining the centre of the baluster provided your chosen baluster length does not impinge on the turned section by being too short it ought to work.

I attach a two minute sample of what I am trying to decsribe. It's not parametric, but you can see what I am getting at. Keep your modelled area inside the 'turrned height' section and make sure the railing height is sufficent that any angle cut at head/base do not impinge on that central area and you should have a turned baluster that works.

All this is just a long way around saying I think Chris was right.

Maybe Chris would now like to turn his hand (no pun intended) to creating a barley twist baluster family.

Steven Campbell
2004-07-13, 01:46 PM
Problem not solved,
I give up, that was not the solution...still getting errorsCan you post the family, so we can take a look.

Steven Campbell
Autodesk Revit

2004-07-14, 05:14 AM
Hello there,
I have tried a revolved baluster.
Have a look probably u'll get an idea how to go about making it.