View Full Version : Global turn off the blue dot?

2007-03-19, 06:50 PM
Can anyone explain under what circumstances the blue dot in structural items comes on? We have a project where they "seem" to be coming on of their own random volition.
Also, is there any way to turn these annoying things off globally, or do you really have to address them in every single view? This seems like a graphic that no architect EVER wants printed, but I don't see a simple way to make that happen.


2007-03-20, 03:48 AM
Sounds like the analytical category, such as a dot with a concentric circle for columns in plan (or could be the loads subcategory)..

2007-03-20, 06:49 AM
I've had that problem too! It is very annoying. Does anyone know if it has anything to do with worksetting? The only time it came up was with a project with worksets. Couldn't figure out a way of globally turning off the blue dot, but turning off 'Analytical Model' and 'hidden lines' in 'structural columns' and 'structural framing' seemed to work, but not always- they sometimes would reappear for no reason after the project was re-opened the next day.

2007-03-20, 05:37 PM
Sounds like the analytical category, such as a dot with a concentric circle for columns in plan (or could be the loads subcategory)..

Yes, structural analytical item. I should have been more clear. What is strange is they seem to be coming on all on their own in some views, and I am looking for a way to turn them off globally, rather than going view by view in visibility graphics. The workaround I used was to make the Object Style use lineweight 1 and a near white color, so they effectively disappear everywhere for plotting. Sure would be nice if Revit Architecture allowes Architects to globally turn off some of this Structural stuff. Or at least make it an Invisible line type.


2007-03-20, 06:19 PM
When our engineers started placing loads etc in their Structural model (which was linked into architectural), we had the same issues. We just handled it through View Templates. But I understand your point and agree. Autodesk should be spending time working on THESE kind of workflow differences between displicplines instead of turning off tools eh? ;)

2007-04-25, 09:53 PM
I just noticed the same issue in my project although it also is including the analytical lines in walls as well! I'm using an object style override for now but I'm curious to know if anyone in the mean time has discovered why this is happening?

Btw, my project is using worksets and we have not linked in a structural model so they shouldn't be to blame.