View Full Version : Workset Library Card

2003-07-01, 12:55 PM
Have you got a workset checked out that isn't?

Have the person who has this workset checked out (I know they swear they checked it back in), check it out again and save to central, making sure to relinquish all the worksets (particularly the offending one's group). Then save the local copy and it is now "free" again.

I thought I'd post this since it's the second time in two weeks I've encountered it.

2003-07-01, 01:27 PM
This is what causes our worksets problem I think. for some reason if a person is saving to central and it crashes, that persons worksets may or may not be checked back in. then when that person opens his recovery file, he checks and the system says all worksets are checked in, but the file that crashed actually is telling the system that it still has them checked out, the system fails and crashes when anyone tries to save to central. This is not proven, this is my theory based on our experience with worksets.

2003-07-01, 01:42 PM
The cause in our case is when a user does not save the local copy after saving to central. The user's copy is "out of sync" with the central file, because Revit needs the final local save to store the current state.

So as a rule, Save to Central...then Save Locally. What isn't clear to me is whether a local save first is warranted. I tend to save locally then central then local...I suspect the first save isn't necessary.

2003-07-01, 03:18 PM
No need to save to local first that I can think of, but the rule of thumb here is save to local, save to central, save to local again. Doesn't take long. I always save to local first just in case there happens to be some error or kicked out when I go to save to central.


2003-07-01, 09:23 PM
Here is our "Typical Day" Outline on the subject.

Here is a typical day in the life of a Revit Designer.
Come in Open Central and Saveas Local with your initials at the end of the filename - Project XYZ-JJB.rvt
Save (local) every 30 minutes or so.
Every 2 hours or when you want to "publish or share" your changes
Save (local)
Save to Central (relinquish worksets if you would like)
Save (local, yes again)
Time for lunch...
Save (local)
Save to Central (relinquish worksets if you would like)
Save (local, yes again)
Have a nice lunch...
Back from lunch
If file is still open on your computer - continue working
Or Open local and continue working…
Save every 30 minutes or so.
Every 2 hours or when you want to "publish or share" your changes
Save (local)
Save to Central (relinquish worksets if you would like)
Save (local, yes again)
Time to go home...
Save (local)
Save to Central (relinquish all)
Save (local, yes again)
Go home and relax.

2003-07-01, 09:27 PM

You have the user create a new local file each day? Is that necessary? I've been substituting that with Reload latest worksets in the AM...(just in case someone pulled an all nighter :shock: :? :oops: )

Oh...what is this go home and relax part? Is that something you earn after six month or twelve months of employment. Can you accumulate that time and carry it into the next year?

2003-07-01, 10:13 PM
If they get into the habit and it doesn't get in the way, yes. Until they are comfortable with the underlying concepts of worksets, we think that it is safer that way.

Wes Macaulay
2003-07-02, 03:39 PM
This isn't a bad idea - I do this a lot already. If the local and central files are significantly different, then it pays to do this.

Jim's suggestion is based on the logic
1. save to local first just in case the save to central doesn't work (which is rare, but it pays to be safe
2. save to central and relinquish worksets
3. save to local again so the local file knows the worksets are relinquished, and so there's no chance the local file will try to check out worksets again

If I'm in a rush I will skip step 1.

2003-07-09, 05:14 AM
I'm going to use your methodology Sensai Balding. We seem to be warping a couple folks to remember to reload latest worksets in the morning. I hope if the policy is to create a fresh user copy each morning that will alleviate the mind bending.

I'll be sure to reword it some so it isn't outright plagerism....(now that you're an author and all)

2003-07-09, 04:58 PM
You have my permission to plot it out 5' x 10' and post it on every wall in your office if you want.