View Full Version : Wall Wraps @ Unconnected Walls

2007-03-22, 01:18 AM
I have defined quite a few walls to wrap at exterior ends. The wall does this fine if it is connected to a level, but as soon as you give it a base or top offset, or have either or un-connected, the wall no longer wraps??!! What's up with that. Is there anything I can do to get a wall to wrap at the end if the system is not doing it on it's own?

I am using these walls in a base condition only reaching a height of 2'-10". I included a reaveal at the top of that wall to chamfer the edge. So when used as a furr wall, this is not wrapping at the end, which isn't wrapping that reveal. So my only choice as I see it now is to go around and create a bunch of in-place voids to achieve my chamfer everywhere else? Seems crazy. Please tell me I'm missing something.


2007-03-22, 01:51 AM
is the reveal part of the wall type? i'm not really clear on the issue you are having. please explain.


2007-03-22, 02:00 AM
Sorry, yes, the reveal is part if the wall. It is added to the top of the wall in the wall assembly itself. But even with a wall with no sweeps or reveals, if you offset the top or maybe bottom too, didn't try that one, the wall layers do not wrap at the ends. So if the layers don't wrap, neither will the reveal.


2007-03-22, 02:13 AM
Sorry, yes, the reveal is part if the wall. It is added to the top of the wall in the wall assembly itself. But even with a wall with no sweeps or reveals, if you offset the top or maybe bottom too, didn't try that one, the wall layers do not wrap at the ends. So if the layers don't wrap, neither will the reveal.
ok, i did a quick test. my wraps seem to work across the top along with the reveal, but the hatch pattern of my brick is missing. the offsets (vertical ones, i'm assuming) doesn't seem to make a difference.
maybe i'm missing something else...
how about a sweep wall cap instead? would that work?

2007-03-22, 06:24 AM
Cannot replicate. If I add offsets or don't connect the top to a level, the end wrapping still works. Could you post a small example file?

Mike Sealander
2007-03-22, 01:25 PM
Try fiddling with your view depth. That might change the way the wall is being displayed, ie either wrapping or not wrapping.

2007-03-22, 03:19 PM
Here is a sample file.

Cannot replicate. If I add offsets or don't connect the top to a level, the end wrapping still works.
You're right, when trying with new walls, I am getting it to work,. It actually looks like in plan view, the walls do wrap, but the reveal does not. So I made an assumption that when the reveal didn't wrap, the wall did not either, but maybe it's just hosted reveals in the wall assembly that don't wrap with the wall no matter what.
Check it out.


2007-03-22, 05:02 PM
Ahhh, easy answer.....sweeps attach to the face only and not the sides. Your wall is very wide and at the front side you only have this very wide wall with no sides (meaning, no perpendicular piece of wall). You need to perhaps change the way you're modeling this....I'd probably make a thin wall for the finish only. Then you can build this on the sides too and your sweeps should follow those faces.

2007-03-22, 05:11 PM
Thanks David.


2007-03-22, 05:16 PM
Here's a fixed version....you don't need to change anything. Just create some short wall segments.

2007-03-22, 08:21 PM
Thanks David,

I think I just would have never tried that because in the past it hasn't worked that well....making perpendicular walls the same width as theirselves...but I guess it works great. One of those un-consious decisions that keeps you in the box. Shame on me!

Thanks again.

2007-03-22, 10:48 PM

After playing with this, it's a lot harder than I anticipated. The wall joins were a pain to reconcile. After I got it with the 2x8 furr wall in combination with a 2x4 furr wall, I gave the garage wall a shot. These are 2x4 furr walls. Using the same login, I created a smaller wall of the same type, I think a 1" wall. But I cannot get these to join properly to allow the reveal to turn the corner.

Can you give this a shot and if you get it, share a few tips on how to get these to work a little more smoothly!! Thanks for your tiem David.


2007-03-23, 03:55 PM
Here you go.....it's all about where to disallow joins and using join geometry.

2007-03-23, 10:23 PM
Thanks a lot David. Helped out a ton!!
