View Full Version : Roof Tile Problem

2003-07-01, 01:58 PM
I used a filled region with barrel tile (model version) on a bay area of the roof. It did not rotate 45 degs. with the bay and does not show up in other views. What am I doing wrong?

2003-07-01, 06:20 PM
if it is truely a model pattern you can place your cursor over any line in the pattern tab until one highlights, click, then click rotate and set the value you want.

2003-07-01, 06:39 PM
I have only used filled regions sparingly so I am only about 85% sure of the advice that follows, but I'm not going to let that stop me. :) I think that filled regions only accept drafting patterns not model patterns. Filled regions are also view specifc so they do not appear in other views. You need to confirm that the pattern is indeed a model pattern. If it is a model pattern, then you can create a material using that pattern. Then you can paint the material onto the roof and the pattern will show up in all views properly. You can rotate it as Scott said and even use the align tool to get the desired alignment at the edges or to other elements.

2003-07-01, 08:19 PM
It is a model pattern, but it doesn't show up in other views and will not rotate by putting the cursor on it.

2003-07-01, 09:07 PM
You should be able to select one of the pattern lines by cycling through the objects using the tab key until the line you want becomes highlighted. Instead of using a filled region, try making a material using the pattern and then paint the roof with the new material. Check out the help files on model patterns for more detailed information.

2003-07-01, 10:04 PM
Thanks for the help.

2003-07-02, 11:26 AM
worked great, thanks for the help. I love Revit.