View Full Version : Noteblock Vs Keynote

2007-03-22, 03:22 PM
I tried using both methods in separate jobs. I liked both, as it had its own flexibilities. Eg:

Can be placed anywhere, with multiple leaders.
Can be copied pasted.
Separate catagories can be created such as Demo Keynotes, New, Site Plan Keys, Section Keys etc.
Editable inside project
Many more...

Can Identify Keys predefined in elements
Numbers stay in sequence when placed as "Keynotes per Sheet"
Many more...

My suggestion is....if Revit can combine these two features into one tool. It will be much much more better!!!

Right now the KEYNOTE does not have multiple leaders and cannot be edited in Project but external.

But anyway....both are great tools with its own goods and bads...but Hopefully if combined, its gonna be the best...Nachooooooooooooo!!!!!!