View Full Version : Attaching stacked walls...

2007-03-22, 03:28 PM
So, I've come across a funny little issue. When I attach a stacked wall to a roof, instead of taking the top layer (variable one) and attaching it, it is taking the layer from the very bottom of the wall and attaching it to the roof. Take a look at the image...

Now that's just plain crazy. What's going on here, and can it be fixed?


2007-03-22, 04:12 PM
If you did a search for "Stacked Walls" you would find several contributors that hold them in fairly low regard. Like -if you persist in using stacked walls you are begging for problems- or -you'll spill a cup of coffee in your lap this morning. Very serious & dire predictions.

I loved the concept when I first saw them a few years back but quickly realized that they were more trouble than they were worth. Just a warning.

2007-03-22, 05:06 PM
I saw the previous posts, most of which were from 8.1

I foolishly hoped Autodesk may have fixed them since then...

Worse, we can't even "break up" our walls as all our hosted sweeps decide to switch sides when we do, and all our windows host in the wrong wall. Nothing like finding your cast stone sills floating on the inside of a room and your windows blotted out by a big brick facade. Of course, we could go through and re-host each individual window. Oh, and then we could figure out why the sills switch sides (this is the odd one as the wall didn't flip orientation, just the sweep. And if you edit the wall type, the sweep is on the correct side...)

I tried warning people about those stacked walls, but they just didn't listen...