View Full Version : Simple Roof Slope Problem

2007-03-22, 10:12 PM
I'm trying to solve the most simple problem, but cannot. Am I overlooking something. Draw a rectangle for a roof, pinpoint a spot that is not in the center of that roof to slope to. Now slope all four sides of the roof down to that point.

If I try 4 slope arrows all pointing to that point, it won't let me, only 3. I don't want to figure out the different slope angle for each side of the rectangle. Is there any other way?

2007-03-22, 11:56 PM
You can do 4 separate roof triangles with their own slope arrows then join them together.

2007-03-23, 02:13 AM
hi jamie!
are you making a simple hip roof? just have each side define a slope.

2007-03-23, 07:54 PM
Thanks! The 4 separate traingles with their own slope arrow is what I needed to do. When joining them, it seems like it will join three but not the fourth no matter how many times I redraw the fourth. At least I've got it in now. :)

2007-03-24, 07:12 AM
Once you've found your top point, model all 4 slab then join geometry. You will then find ridge line. Then edit the sketch for each slab following those ridge.