View Full Version : Project Navigator

2004-07-13, 09:27 PM
I am currently using ADT 2005 and we are having trouble setting up the constructs, elements and views catagories.
Does anybody use ADT 2005?
We are looking for examples in how to set up the catagories.

2004-07-14, 01:10 AM
We use it here in a residential application. nothing commercial or anything like that, if that will help you ill post some images of how we set up the constructs and such

2004-07-14, 03:38 PM
Any help that you can provide will be greatly appreciated

2004-07-14, 07:03 PM
I am currently working through a pilot project utilizing both ADT and ABS. Here is what I've got so far:

Overview of Project:







Didn't Think that would all fit here!!!

2004-07-15, 12:30 PM
Rather than post screen shots, I've uploaded a project folder for one of the first homes I drew in ADT using the Project Navigator Structure. The one thing I dont do that every other textbook says i should is use the floor plan of the house in a view to create the elevations. I usually create a seperate construct called "Building Model" and then copy just the exterior walls, windows, doors , lights etc and paste it into the construct from the floor plan. I can never seem to get all the constructs to align correctly in the vertical plane, I dont know why, I think iI'm just doing it wrong. So for me this way is just eaiser. Only disadvantage of this is it kind of skews the Project navigator purpuse of having drawings update automatically because if i change something on the floor plan I have to remember to make the same changes on the building model or else the elevations won't change accordingly.

Hopefully though this will give you an idea of how everything goes together. Its not as indepth as Richard's use of it..its only a house afterall. but I hope you can get some answers out of it.

Oops! It appears my file is too big to be uploaded, its 1.86MB. If you'd like I can email it to you and anyone else who'd like to see it for that matter just send me a message and ill send it out.

Hope this helps you out.

2004-12-01, 03:09 AM
When a 'view' is dropped onto a sheet, the view direction, scale & configuration set in the view is not the same in the sheet. It cannot be changed in the sheet as well. There should be a place where we set the orientation, scale of the dropped view. Where do I set it?

How do I specify the default setting of the viewport in the Sheets created?

Any help"?