View Full Version : Trim out protrusion at cylinder limit

2007-03-26, 07:30 AM
In the attached file, I would like to trim out blue protrusion at the red cylinder limit. My goal is to have the blue entension stop at only about 1" beyond the green cylinder solid, and still have the blue solid keep the curved shape of the green cylinder (circular face).

Is there a better way I could have done this to be easier?

2007-03-27, 11:30 AM
suggestions: try to make solid cylinder same diameter with the red circle(w/ thickness) and subtract it from blue solid, then slice the blue soild at your desired distance beyond the green solid.
You could do this much easier with A2007 (slicing solids with surface).

2007-03-28, 03:49 PM
Well thanks for your information.
However, if I have v2007 I won't be asking for such help, for now I am dealing with v.2006.

2007-03-28, 09:41 PM
Which part of the blue object do you want to keep?
If the outer part, make a copy of the green cylinder and Subtract it from the blue.
If the inner part, Offset the red circle outward beyond the end of the blue solid, make both circles into Regions, Subtract inner from outer, Extrude and position the new solid so that it encloses the blue and subtract from the blue.

Or something else?