View Full Version : Complex Schedules

2007-03-26, 04:51 PM
I am working on putting together a parking schedule that lists the number of parking spaces per SF of building (i.e. total square footage divided by the total number of parking spaces). The problem I am running into is that there is no ability that I can see to link the square footage from a room schedule to a parking schedule. I can't even do a multi-category schedule that includes information from both because rooms don't show up in multi-categories.

I know these calculations are easy to do and then type in, but I'm looking for something automated that gives quick feedback. Any ideas?

2007-03-26, 05:06 PM
You could do a shared parameter, called , say "Total Bldg Area" , tied to your parking schedule, and then use it in a calculated value column, but unfortunately you'd have to update the value manually.

With this approach, at least you wouldn't have to open the schedule properties and update the value there.

There may be a way to do it utilizing the API, but that's above my pay grade...