View Full Version : Keynoting Issue v9.1

2007-03-27, 09:10 AM
Hi all,

I detail the following way : I do a Detaill Callout on a section and then I change the View Properties to "Display as Underlay" which displays my Model in grey. I then complete my detail with detail Lines, Repeating detials etc.
I then place keynotes > "by User".

As soon as I change the View Properties to "Do not Display" the Keynotes also dissapear.( as the keynotes are referenced to the model )
Now, how can I get the keynotes to appear without changing the "Do not Display" View Properties?

2007-03-27, 02:27 PM
Charl! Howzit buddy Clinton here from cadplan. The problem is that keynotes need to attach to something in a view for them to be visible. So the minute you switch the underlay off they wont be visible. Have you considered making annotations for this situation rather than doing a keynote?

2007-03-28, 04:48 PM
I suppose placing normal text is the only option then.