View Full Version : Properties Command in Snap Pop-Up

2004-07-14, 06:56 PM
Since we are talking about properties,
I want to get rid of the properties command in the snap pop-up menu
(see pic)

I have gone through the mnu file, and I think I have erased the correct line in the pop 0 list.

Anyone know if I can change this, or is it hardwired

2004-07-14, 09:54 PM
Did you reload the .mnu file?
If not the .mns file still rules.
But a word of warning; Depending on where you usually do your customization, reloading the .mnu usually resets all the toolbars and menus. You'll lose any customization you made to the .mns file. Better to make changes to the .mns file.
Also, I think reloading the .mns file will not work unless you first delete the old acad.mnr and acad.mnc files. AutoCAD will recreate these from the acad.mns file.

Lastly, make sure you have a backup of the .mnu and .mns file before you change anything.

2004-07-15, 04:50 AM
1. everything is backed, and saved
2. I forgot about the mns (but will check me old notes)
3. I have never had to deal with mnr or mnc files before
4. Im getting rusty, which means I need to find a old AutoCad manual/cinder block

2004-07-15, 05:19 PM
Try "rem" ing out the command and line break in the mns file. You can put two forward slashes at the start of the line to get AutoCAD to ignore the line.

It probably looks something like this:

[&Object Snap Cursor Menu]
ID_Ai_propch [&Properties]^C^C_properties

Add the slashes so it looks like:

// ID_Ai_propch [&Properties]^C^C_properties
// [--]

When AutoCAD reloads the MNS file, you should not see the properties in the snap pop-up menu. This way, you have not removed the line, just AutoCAD's use of it. If you want it back, simply remove the slashes again.
