View Full Version : Profile View Label Ref. Prof. View Sta. Range problem

2007-04-02, 03:03 PM

I would like to add a label to the bottom right corner of each profile view that labels the name of the alignment and the station range that this particular view shows. I have built the label, and I see that the information that I want is a reference text that should be available, but when I try to label the profile view All I get are 3 question marks. Anyone got any ideas?



2007-04-02, 07:21 PM
Not sure if this will help but I see the values you're trying to add the the profile view within the profile view style settings. The profile view title has 'parent alignment' and profile view start and stop stationing. The profile view axis label component has start and stop stations, but not the parent alignment. (although you could copy and paste it in from the title label)

2007-04-05, 01:50 PM
When you placed the label, did you select it after placement and then in the Properties, change the Alignment Reference? It should be near the bottom of the Properties dialog and probably says <none>

2007-05-22, 03:25 PM
I still can not get a label created for the profile view. Can this be done, and if so, could someone point me in the right direction. I just want a label to be in the lower right hand corner of the profile view that has the name (or description) of the profile (Ex. "Rock Road") and then the beginning station and ending station of that profile view. The State DOT requires this on each sheet.

Thank You,


2007-05-22, 05:16 PM
Hi Daryl,
You can check to see that your Profile Info Layer is turned on. You can also check these settings to add the info you want in the Label. Which release are you using?
Are your Band Title Box and Band title Box Text layers turned on in the Display tab of your Band Style?
Have you defined the Band Title Style for your Band? Add in the Alignment Name and Start and End stations in the Label Style. Set your Text Height and Box size. These should all be the first thing you see on the left side of the dialog when you select the Band Tab in your Style Editor. You will need to change the side that the label is shown on since it defaults to the left end of the Band.

2007-05-22, 05:47 PM
I put the following into my profile view title and it produced the desired information about the view. I set it to the bottom and right side of the view.

<[Parent Alignment(CU)]> - Sta. <[Profile View Start Station(Uft|FS|P2|RN|AP|Sn|TP|B2|EN|W0|OF)]> to Sta. <[Profile View End Station(Uft|FS|P2|RN|AP|Sn|TP|B2|EN|W0|OF)]>