View Full Version : Revit user's group meeting in San Francisco later this month

2003-07-02, 04:42 AM
I'm organizing a revit user's group get-together for the bay area in mid-july (July 10th) and I'm lookin' for suggestions. Our first meeting will be our kick-off, but I was planning that we would focus on family creation for our first meeting. I'm planning to talk about quickly creating families from AutoCad legacy standard blocks, creating parametric families, creating nested parametric families (including array'ed ones where some element of the family repeat's inself on the fly as the object changes length); but what else do you think would be good to talk about? This is a group for local people using Revit, so I'm gonna skip the intro stuff, and I've got a few other things in mind to talk about, families-wise, but I'm open to any ideas.


2003-07-02, 04:57 AM
I suggest you get your post #'s up above 75 so you can become a grand poobah Family Master like me! Actually, I know so little about families I am trying to post a lot just so I can get rid of that inappropriate title! Hopefully at 100 posts I will become some sort of Workset King (I know even less about worksets!)

Anyway, I hope you won't mind if I am able to make it out there from Sacto? Not exactly the Bay Area, but I am more of a Delta guy anyway, which does run into the Bay...

I would love it if someone could talk about implementing worksets in small environments. I am the only reviteer (currently) in my office, so I am interested in how Z uses them sort of like layers in AutoCAD to subdivide logical sets of the model.

I am very interested in the family creation topic...especially the array info.

How about some mention of best practices or such. I have a pretty good feeling of how others work from this site, but it would be interesting to note how others are dealing with such things as RCPs, Elec. Plans, Framing Plans, etc. I would love to see some actual working drawings from some projects that have been built or bid.

Where do you expect to have this get-together?

2003-07-02, 09:49 AM

Post my air ticket over and I'll gladly come have a chat about it all with you.


2003-07-02, 06:31 PM
the get-together is next week, and anyone is welcome to come. heck, if you're willin' to drive from Sac then more power to you! love to see you there. AutoDesk is gonna let us use thier local office in S.F. so the facilities for the meeting should be great. I too want to get more into worksets (we haven't used them so much yet) and there is a local firm that I know that has used them a ton more than we so I'm hoping to have them talk at some future meeting.

I know all the family stuff, and can show that; i'm wondering what everyone else thought they would like to hear about families. Future ideas are great too, like worksets, but this first meeting I want to focus on Families, and would love to hear more ideas!

Thanks everyone.

2003-07-08, 02:48 PM
AutoDesk is gonna let us use thier local office in S.F. so the facilities for the meeting should be great.

Can you be more specific about the address, room number, beginning and ending time for the user group meeting?

I am coming from Sacramento and need to plan for traffic, etc. in order to make it.

-Bill Spence

2003-07-08, 03:39 PM
All welcome? Where? When? How? Our firm is in the middle of "the big switch" over to Revit and I'm the point person.

We're in SOMA SF, so please let me know.

2003-07-08, 04:38 PM

Jeffrey, please post address, time, etc.

2003-07-08, 05:39 PM
God, I'm sorry guys. I was hoping to use AutoDesk's facilities for this; and was waiting on word from them. I would have posted info much sooner, trust me! Looks like we can't use thier facilities this time (gee thanks for telling me two days before I wanted to have the meeting, AutoDesk!) so I'm trying to figure out where it will be now; whether that's at a local reseller's training lab (plus: lots of computers, Minus: not really a meeting room) or here at my office (Plus: big meeting room w/projector, Minus: have to work something our with the office). Ack!

So I'm looking at maybe moving it back a week, so we have time to stir up interest. I was orginally going to have it on this Thursday, but couldn't follow up with details until I got the e-mail this morning about the location. Now I don't feel that two days notice would be enough to get everyone who might wanna come. I'm gonna talk with the fellow at the local reseller that will let us use his location and work something out, for I know he wants to invite some people I don't know.

Details following! Sorry to be a flake. :(

Damn I hate it when things get screwed up by other people! Ack.

2003-07-08, 06:33 PM
OK, so it looks like the meeting will be next week, next Thursday the 17th. I'll post the location as soon as we iron it out later today. Thanks everyone for your interest! I promise we'll have something soon, hell or high water!

2003-07-11, 09:06 PM
Here is one more Revit-er that wants to attend your meeting. We'll watch for your time/place announcement.

2003-07-11, 11:05 PM
OK, so it's been rescheduled for the 24th of July; that's about two weeks from now. It will also be here at my Office, in our big ol' conference room. Here's the write-up, I'll post it again when we are closer to the date:

Hello Fellow Revit user!
Join fellow users of advanced design technology in the formation of an informal users group focused on Revit. Now that many Northern California offices have begun to use this tool for production, our hope is to develop a local community of interest to share best practices, problems, tips, information, and to provide a mechanism for feedback to AutoDesk on how to make the system more responsive to our needs.

In our first meeting, we will be talking about Family creation. This will encompass the creation & management of Families, how to use Families to migrate your legacy CAD 'blocks' into Revit, tying extra information via shared parameters to Families, some pros and cons of Families, and creating complex automated parametric families; such as trusses, self-drawing bike racks, and more. I am hoping to have this be more round-table discussion and information sharing than a Lecture or a Demo, so while I (and others) will be showing what we know about Family creation, please bring along your examples, questions, problems, and we'll talk about them too.

Huntsman Architecture Group
50 California, Seventh Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

Thursday, July 24th, 2003

6:30 pm start, and expected to go for at least an hour or two.

We'll have some snacks and sodas, as well as a computer with a video projector (as well as a Zip Drive & internet connection if you want to bring in your examples on disk or web rather than CD). Hope to see you there!

Scott D Davis
2003-07-11, 11:12 PM
6:30 pm start, and expected to go for at least an hour or two.

You will be lucky to get done in four hours! The Revit meetings we have in So Cal are powered by Energizer....they keep going and going and going.....