View Full Version : Import Pattern 180 Degrees?

2004-07-15, 12:53 AM
Frequently patterns that I import and use in a project are oriented 180 Degrees from what is needed.

I have not found a way that Revit will rotate the pattern.

Can the pat file be manipulated to import the pattern 180 Degrees?

2004-07-15, 01:17 AM
Add 180 (modulo 360) to the first number in every line.

Oh, wait... you have to "rotate" the origins too - change the sign of the second and third number. All of this is probably best done in a spreadsheet or with a script.

2004-07-15, 03:05 AM
just an FYI, if the pattern is a model pattern you can select it on any surface and rotate 180. can be useful in a pinch

2004-07-15, 11:40 AM
It is a model pattern on an in-place family, therefore every attempt to rotate it in Revit results in the pattern snapping back to the improper orientation.

2004-07-15, 11:45 AM
You almost had me when you simply said to add 180 to the beginning of each line. But what the heck is [modulo 360] supposed to mean? What you mean by "rotate" the origins, and when you say "change the sign of the second and third number" do you mean the second and third number in the first line or in each line?

2004-07-15, 09:40 PM
Too many people with math degrees at the factory. ;-)

Modulo 360 - if you get 360 or more, subtract 360. So, 0 becomes 180, 1 becomes 181, 179 becomes 359, 180 becomes 0, 181 becomes 1 etc.

On each line the second and third number tell where the part of the pattern begins on the face. You should change their signs, which is equivalent to rotation by 180 degrees.