View Full Version : Design Option- Text

2007-04-04, 04:11 PM
Is there any way to add text to a design option that is specific to that design option only? Other than to create a new floor plan view?

John Fleming
GMK Architecture, inc.

2007-04-04, 04:14 PM

I believe text and all other view specific drafted elements can not be added to design options.

I typically duplicate with detailing and then alter the text as necessary.

Id LOVE to hear im wrong... :)

2007-04-04, 04:22 PM
Aaron, sure would be nice to have something like detail text that could be view/ design option specific like detail lines.

John Fleming
GMK Architecture, inc.

2007-04-04, 04:50 PM
you must duplicate the view so that you have a view for each design option.

Then set the view to the designated option. Annotate each view. Place views on sheets as required.

Simple concept once you forget about trying to turn on and off text for the same view.

2007-04-04, 07:59 PM
Well, Jake beat me to it, but that is it in essence...The Design Options are essentially Model/Object based. Remember that annotations are View based.

Copy/paste is your friend... or use Duplicate View with Detailing. Don't forget to do a View Visability (keyboard:V-V or V-G) and set the Design Option you'd like to see (in that view) the Design Option Tab.

2007-04-19, 01:20 AM
Is there any way to add text to a design option that is specific to that design option only? Other than to create a new floor plan view?

John Fleming
GMK Architecture, inc.

One way I think you can do it is to create a new Workset called "Option-1 Text" and you can turn it off on all your views except your option-1. You just have to make sure it stays Off on all the other views till accepted as Primary.

2007-04-19, 01:53 AM
One way I think you can do it is to create a new Workset called "Option-1 Text" and you can turn it off on all your views except your option-1. You just have to make sure it stays Off on all the other views till accepted as Primary.

Unless youre talking about Model Text, you cannot add it to a workset, becuase its workset is the view its placed in. You wont be able to control its visibility like that.

Duplicate the view with detailing, and modify the text as needed. I tend to prefer this method, as i can set the two views on a sheet space next to each other for the instant side by side, without having to toggle back and forth...

2007-04-19, 12:57 PM
Simple concept once you forget about trying to turn on and off text for the same view.I agree with Jake here. Once you get used to design options, you'll probably find this makes more sense that having part of the design option. If you are showing a particular design option in a view anyway, and you place text specific to that design option or view, then that text wouldn't be showing up in the next view with the next option visible because text and annotations are view specific anyway, so it's not really a problem. You can actually copy/paste your text over to your next view and edit as necessary. Pretty convenient really.

Off the subject a little, talking about what would be nice with design options, or view templates really, is that when you are working with multiple design options, especially those that are permanent, you tend to create multiple views of all types, such as floor plans, elevations, roof plans etc. If you choose to use view templates with your views, it would be nice to disable the option visibility when applying your view template to a view. I find that I tend to set up a view and when working in it, I change some of the visibility settings, then when I'm finished or it's time for a plot, I usually apply a view template to get everything back the way I want it. Only problem is, usually your view templates visibility is set to 'automatic' for design option visibility, and if you've applied view templates to multiple views, all showing diff. design options, you must now go back and make sure each view is set to it's appropriate design option.
Not to big of deal to duplicate a view template for each design option I guess, I just thought it would be a nice little 'add'.

2007-04-19, 05:15 PM
Note the Material and type tags work in design options. You can actually switch options in the view and the tags will appear and dissappear. I do not recommend switching design options in the same view but the tags do appear to behave with the options as well as the dimensions.