View Full Version : Aquire Co-ordiantes from linked dwg?

Martin P
2007-04-05, 11:05 AM
I tried this very recently after reading a tip from David Conant on the subject and I could not get it to function correctly.

I import my Survey (which is metres) Making sure the view is set as project North. I then rotate and align the survey to where I require it to be in relation to my building.

Then I Aquire coordinates from the linked DWG file. Revit DOES get the true north and project north correctly from my survey drawing - but it just will not correctly get the co-oridnates??

When I use "specify cooridantes at a point" or whatever, it is nothing like what it should be???

Am I doing something wrong or does Revit not actually aquire coordintes from a linked dwg file at all? If it worked as it was described to me it would be an amazing tool, at the moment I just can seem to fathom it out all?

Just thinking about it - is there any difference when specifying coordiantes whether I have project or true north selected? or will the coordiantes be the same which ever I have picked?

2007-04-05, 11:58 AM
Have you got your units corresponding? Metres v's millimetres? I assume you will have.

Is everything aligned true North (relative to the survey info) as opposed to project North? I then move the entire project to correspond with the survey data (ie "specify cordinates at point"), but its very important that the units of the numbers are correct on the survey info, as I have found that sometimes they are not...

2007-04-05, 12:52 PM
What coordinate is it not getting. Try this, export a view and in the export options check coordinates to shared, when exported it should sync up with the 0,0 of the survey. I have found the 'z' coordinate can be messed up, when the dwg is linked make sure it is also moved in the z direction to match your floor level or wherever it should be.

Martin P
2007-04-05, 01:36 PM
Have you got your units corresponding? Metres v's millimetres? I assume you will have.

Is everything aligned true North (relative to the survey info) as opposed to project North? I then move the entire project to correspond with the survey data (ie "specify cordinates at point"), but its very important that the units of the numbers are correct on the survey info, as I have found that sometimes they are not...

DOH!! I missed that, I have to specify the co-ordinates at a point.... I though it was REVIT that was specifying the co-ordinates at a point.... I didnt actually notice I could alter it!!....

thank you... I think I understand now. :)

Specify Co-ordinates at a point is basically the exact same thing as moving and rotating your UCS in Autocad.....penny - dropped.