View Full Version : Linework in non-architectural views

Andre Baros
2007-04-10, 02:42 PM
Using only Revit Architecture. Is there a way to draw lines in a view whose discipline is set to Electrical which are not gray? Is there any way to control the automatic half-tone which changing the discipline imposes?

2007-04-10, 06:53 PM
Dear Andre;
You might try making your own view parameter with a similar name (Disciplines vs Discipline) and using that instead to sort your views and display them properly. I know this not the best work around. It seems this setting is hard coded into the software.
Best regards,

Andre Baros
2007-04-10, 08:38 PM
That's what I thought, but wanted to make sure. So close to useful, but that little lack of black lines makes it useless (unless you're running all three packages I suppose)