View Full Version : I want to see demo'd object as hidden

Justin Marchiel
2007-04-11, 08:28 PM
Beside creating a filter to only show demo, and overlaying it onto the new construction view, is there a way to have demo'd items show hidden (or see thru them)?

I have is that i have a wall cornice that is getting removed and a door is going in the wall beyond. the problem is that the demo'd cornice shows over the door, and you only see 1/2 the door.



2007-04-11, 09:09 PM
Using Phases and Graphic Overrides

Justin Marchiel
2007-04-11, 09:22 PM
i have used phases and graphic overrides to show the demo'd object hidden, but i want to see thru them as if they where wireframe.

I am i missing something?


2007-04-11, 09:28 PM
I guess I misunderstood the question, when you said filters you were refering to phasing filter, not object filters with visibility/Graphic Overrides. Then I have no answer to your question. Sorry.

2007-04-11, 10:00 PM
how did you created the cornice? with wall sweep?

2007-04-11, 10:07 PM
are you talking floor plan, elevation, 3d view?

Matt Brennan
2007-04-11, 10:17 PM
Hey Justin,

You could always just use the "Linework" to override the lines if there is not too many to override.

Just a thought...

Justin Marchiel
2007-04-11, 11:35 PM
I created the cornice as a wall sweep. It is fine in plan and 3d. It is only "solid" in elevation view.

Matt i dont think that i can use the line work tool because i need to show it to change the line work. if it is showing, i can't see thru it. Changing the linework does not affect it's "see thru ness" (sorry it has been a long day).


2007-04-12, 01:33 AM
Just to clarify, are you saying that your sweep does not get cut by the door?

2007-04-12, 01:54 AM
You want to see through demolished objects but did you make sure to use transparent material in demo objects graphics overwrites?
There could be some complications with elevation views but 3d views should let you see through demoed objects as long as you use transparent materials.

2007-04-12, 02:57 AM
Justin, in your wall sweep parameters (edit your wall sweep) turn off cut by inserts. Should show up. Strange - Factory this appears to be opposite what would be desired?

Ok, if cut by inserts is turned on, the "demoed" section is still in existence (look at a 3d view and pick the sweep), you'll see the infill portion highlight. Apparently the joining of the cut piece(where the door occurs) and remaining pieces either side of door is overriding (occulding) the display of the door underneath. Turning off cut by inserts eliminates the sweep at the door, as there is no wall present, thus the jambs and door can appear in elevation.

Not what you want. You want the door visible and the hidden lines to cross the door. - I - know .

2007-04-12, 12:56 PM
The graphical overrides with a transparent material wont work in elevation, will it? I wasnt aware materials could be transparent in Elevation. For that reason, we will occasionally orient a 3D view to an elevation, if we want to see through a window or something.

Have you tried that? If you have Demo Material Graphical Override, create a new 3d view and orient it to the elevation you want to work on. Im not thrilled with the solution either, but i believe it works, albeit if generating a minor performance hit with the 3d view...

Justin Marchiel
2007-04-12, 03:34 PM
as you can see from the screen shot the door shows thru in 3d but not in elevation. I thought about the work around of creating a 3d view and orientating it to the elevation, but in the end i think that i might just set the phase filter to show new and just linework the demo in. It is not the best solution, but i will work with it.

I was thinking that i was missing something, but from the replies it seems that this is a limitation in the program. Hopefully demo items will be transparent in the future.

