View Full Version : revit category structural foundations

2007-04-12, 06:08 PM

I'm working with VB.net to create a program to number piles.(I have a few experience in VB.net, more reading than writing)

In the Netherlands this is very nessesary.(sorry for my bad englisch)

I'm getting crazy of numbering all the piles in a schedule(that is the quikest way to do it manually)

I've read the program of renumber rooms(C#, I can''t read C# very well) and I try to make it for structural foundations.
But I failed, I don't know how to declare a structural foundation(I even can't find it in the help-file out of the SDK)

I'm thinking to create a instance shared parameter for the structural foundations, and then number them.

And I've another problem. What if I've a few structural foundations. Some are a pile, other are a foundation isolated? I only want to number the piles, not the foundations isolated.

I hope someone can help my in this.

2007-05-30, 03:00 PM
I don't know how to declare a structural foundationYou can access the Structural Foundations catagory...if that is what you mean by "Declare".

Dim objCategory As Autodesk.Revit.Category = element.Category

If objCategory.Name = "Structural Foundations" Then

I'm thinking to create a instance shared parameter for the structural foundations, and then number them.
I use the Mark instance parameter for numbering piles and it works great. You can make a shared parameter as well but it really has the same outcome.

And I've another problem. What if I've a few structural foundations. Some are a pile, other are a foundation isolated? I only want to number the piles, not the foundations isolated.
Make a new view (Duplicate your foundations view) and hide everything but the piles.