View Full Version : Set all objects in a selection set to 0 elvation in the Z axis

2004-07-16, 07:28 PM
I seem to recall reading about a command or routine that would set all objects in a selection set to 0" elvation in the z axis. Anyone heard of this? I'm trying to draw a bldg. elev. and I am using info from walls drawn in ADT. Because ADT objects are 3D, my line points are at all different elevations, and it looks great, but can't use a lot of editing commands because the objects are not coplanar.

2004-07-16, 08:07 PM
That would be the 'Flatten' command. What version of acad are you running? Do you have express tools? They are under the express tools>modify>flatten objects. I believe there is also a routine under the Exchange (http://forums.augi.com/augilogout.php?url=Exchange) page. HTH

2004-07-16, 08:13 PM
ADT 3.3. And no, I was lucky enough to purchase this software just as Autodesk decided to screw us out of the express tools.

2004-07-16, 08:13 PM
Also found some replies from the pre-worm forum for additional reference that I'd saved from asking this question:

Subject: RE: How do you " flatten" a drawing?
From: Ali
i think the best way to flatten a 2d drawing is to use the Change command & then Properties & set the Elev value to zero
Subject: RE: How do you " flatten" a drawing?
From: Moshira
well ....
I think saving to dxf R12 and all other staff is just to convert splines into lines ... cuz u can't chang spline's vertex's z coordinate .... so after getting rid of the splines ( by saving the drawing to dxf R12 ) u have to open it and run flatten lisp or zero lisp to have all the drawing in 2D only...

>>> "R. Robert Bell" <robertb@acadx.com> 01/08/04 8:18:20 AM >>>
Are you attempting the flatten on a non-ADT/ABS version of AutoCAD?

Try turning Undo off before the flatten. Undo, Control, None. Then flatten.
It took all of 5 seconds on my machine.

Limited testing of points in plan view show things to be flat.

R. Robert Bell, MCSE
AUGI Guild/Forum Moderator
www.Acadx.com (http://www.acadx.com/)

2004-07-16, 08:18 PM
Okay, so I guess your best bet would be Robert Bell's Lisp routine (ex001339) on the exchange, or the change command (which I haven't tried myself).

Good luck. With mine, I unfortunately had objects with a width in the z direction?!?!, so I had to change each and every by hand, or trace over them in paper space (but, then again, I had express tools, so I was able to do a change space to get them into model space).