View Full Version : View Reference Tag in Revit 2008

Chirag Mistry
2007-04-13, 06:55 PM
When you upgrade a project to 2008, please be aware by default the view reference tag (which is used for dependent views) does not get loaded, you have to manually load it.

Matt Brennan
2007-04-13, 07:05 PM
We just ran into the same situation. But thank you for the notification!

2007-06-12, 07:04 PM
Do you know where the View Reference annotation family can be found? I'm having trouble using this feature with the matchlines.
(Also... Smita Sahoo gives her regards!)

Steven Campbell
2007-06-12, 07:31 PM
Do you know where the View Reference annotation family can be found? Should be in "Library\Annotations" look for "View Reference.rfa" for imperial units.

2007-10-04, 04:22 PM
i don't seem to have that annotation in my library, can it be found elsewhere?!?

Steven Campbell
2007-10-04, 06:00 PM
i don't seem to have that annotation in my library, can it be found elsewhere?!?
Here you go I attached it to the post.

2007-10-05, 06:46 AM
You can also easily create one from scratch by creating a new annotation family from the generic annotation template and then changing its category to View Reference.