View Full Version : Dimension Styles

2007-04-17, 01:54 AM
How do you delete a dimension style?

Reason is in RAC2008 I have gone into an existing dimension style and duplicated it to create a new but when I do this the font size changes automatically. Should it be doing this?

2007-04-17, 03:11 AM
Hi, let me understand your question: are you duplicating an eisting style to create a new one that has different font size? if so, that should work: rmember to rename the duplicate style and any changes to it should not propagate to the original style.
if i didnt understand your question, please let me know what exactly is the problem, thanks

2007-04-17, 03:20 AM
Sorry, first up I would like to know how to delete a dimension style created.

Yes I am duplicating from an existing style. The other problem I'm facing is that when I duplicate (to create a new) dim style the newly created style is different to the original style which it was based on, the text sixe automatically enlarges as soon as you specify the new name for the style. I don't want it to have a different text size, i want it as a 'duplicate'.

2007-04-17, 03:44 AM
I'm trying to replicate on the Beta...no such luck. The duplicated dimension style is identical to the parent.

To "delete" an unused dimension style, you have to Purge Unused (Under the File pulldown). I would click on Check None, then find your dimension style and check it. This way you don't purge items that you need.

As a side note, when I do a Purge Unused and click on "Check None", it still reports that there are 2 items selected?! I expanded all categories and none are checked, so I don't know what these mystery items are. This happens in both the RB9.1 template and RAC2008 (beta).

2007-04-17, 03:47 AM
Hi Vince
yes david is right that the only way to delete a dim style is to use purge. not ideal, i know.
regarding the duplication error, can you tell me which build number are you using?

2007-04-17, 04:10 AM
Hi Vince
yes david is right that the only way to delete a dim style is to use purge. not ideal, i know.
regarding the duplication error, can you tell me which build number are you using?
Build 20070404_1700

2007-04-17, 04:39 AM
hm, i have the same build on my machine and cannot reproduce the problem. If you dont mind, please send me the journal file
you can use tatjana.dzambazova@autodesk.com
We will look into this and if necassary contact you again.
thanks so much

2007-04-17, 05:42 AM
Can you please tell me where I may find this?

2007-04-17, 05:53 AM
Go to the folder where Revit is installed (typically under Program Files) and open the Revit folder. There should be a sub folder called "Journals". Start a fresh session of Revit and reproduce the problem. Then close Revit. A journal file will be created retracing those exact steps from the time Revit starts till you close it....it's just a text file. Sort your files by date and send the latest file.

2007-04-17, 06:06 AM


2007-04-17, 01:02 PM
I know what Vince means. Our office uses 5/64" for dimension text size, not 3/32" as is the default in Revit. Any time I duplicate a dimension style, the text size always defaults to 3/32", and I have to manually change it.

2007-04-17, 02:15 PM
Ahhhh that explains it. Yep, I can replicate even in RB9.1. I have an issue with families that might somehow be related too although it might not sound like it. If I transfer project standards to a family, save it, load the family in a project and then open the family for editing from within the project, the standards revert back to what the settings in the original family template is. So for example if I modify lineweights to match our standards, when I open the family for editing, Revit somehow grabs settings from somewhere else. This sounds similar.....when duplicating, it doesn't really duplicate but takes defaults from somewhere else.