View Full Version : Can certain materials in wall be extended beyond wall height ?

2007-04-17, 03:37 AM
Hi !

Can certain materials in wall be extended beyond wall height ?

I can make stacked wall, or just draw this extension in detail using "Cut Profile Tool"

Thanks !

2007-04-17, 03:45 AM
this is possible in revit: to do that, you need to open the wall in the wall editor, set the preview to section, click on MODIFY from the Modify Vertical Structure section, place the mouse over the bottom or top of the section - (zoom in there where you want the component to extend) using the Tab key prehighlight the horizontal line reprenting the thickness of the component you want to extend and unlock the padlock that will appear. close the wall editor, draw a piece of a wall, draw a section through it and in section view, tab select the same horizontal line of the finish of the component and start dragging it up or down. this is a bit difficult to explain with words - so try it out, and if you cant make it i will make some printscreens

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-04-17, 04:15 AM
Ya gotta love the forums eh mdorfman4?

Just a couple of posts and you're getting replies from a senior product designer in 8 minutes 8)

I've attached a screen capture to accompany Tatjana's explanation. Keep in mind that only a single component layer, or adjacent layers, of a wall can be extended. Also keep in mind that you can zoom in the preview window of the wall section.
Depending on what you're trying to accomplish sometimes a separate wall combined with the join geometry command to clean up the joint line is your best bet.
Good luck

2007-04-17, 04:28 AM
Yep, I was going to write the same thing - second post and already go the answer from Product Manager ! How cool is that !

Tatjana and Dimitri thanks a lot for you help !

I already knew how wall structure parameter works, but haven't seen those locks on top and bottom of the wall.

2007-04-17, 11:52 AM
i had try this solution previously, but get some confused results, especially in the material quantities, so i move to another approach, create wall family's with or without some layers, and use separate wall, for instance to create the outside finish, and can edit is profile separately from the main wall

in the Portuguese Revit forum, we had a tread about this problem,

it's in portuguese sorry, but is illustrated

Michelle Gibson
2007-04-17, 11:53 AM
There are also other options available. One issue related to modifying the section is the challenge that is faced when working on elevations and joining/unjoining exterior walls to roofs if you have modified your exterior wall.

I would suggest that if it is an exterior finish such as brick or stucco, that in lieu of modifying the section to say, extend the stucco up past the edge of a truss, then I would create a new wall type and join the two wall types.

We have done the three different ways, starting with the most complicated (stack wall) and had significant problems with wall joins, to modifying the vertical section and having to start over because of problems with the elevations, to simple wall types where a typical wall has three independent walls stacked on top of each other: wood frame with stone at the base, the second stucco on wood frame, the third just stucco and backer so that it is applied at the exposed end of a truss or joist. A little more time consuming but once you have it, much cleaner to join, modify, attach etc...

my two cents.

Mike Sealander
2007-04-17, 01:36 PM
You can also attach the top of a wall to two separate entities. For instance, if you have a wall where you want the stud layer to extend to a roof framing layer, and then you want the wall's finish layer to extend to a roof soffit whose bottom is at a different elevation than the roof framing bottom, you can attach the wall to the roof and then to the soffit.