View Full Version : Gobal Font/Text Manager

2007-04-17, 05:04 PM
I wish that there was a way to globally manage all of the text and text styles used in the Annotation Families. I was alot of work to have to go through each tag, elevation mark, section callout...etc and change the font and font size to our company standard. Which is fine now that it is done, but the problem if a job requries us to match a certain architectural font then I will have to go back through them all again. Also I am hoping that we won't have to do this again when we upgrade, which remains to be seen.

2007-04-24, 09:00 PM
I've been researching if this actually existed. When I saw this thread I was relieved that my search was over. I am very disappointed to see it is on a wish list. And now I have to do all this busy work unnecessarily. How difficult can it be to give us the option to select a global font for everything that displays on the drawing screen? It is being read from the registry somewhere and it affects the document globally. Arial is not exactly a common font for construction documents.

2007-08-10, 05:12 PM
I had an idea for how this could be accomplished. You would set up text styles in each annotation family and so when you imported the family into your project the text styles would come with it. Then you could have a dialog box that controlled the font and text for each text style. It would work much like the linestyles work for detail families, in that you create different linestyles in your family and these get imported into the project when it it brought in. Then you control the display of these linestyles under "detail items" in the object style dialog box, and if you want the ability to control linestyle for multiple different families you just name them the same.

2007-09-27, 01:38 AM
Global management would be fantastic. That would make it a much easier task when you have to have different font sets for government work since they almost always require specific font usage.

2007-09-27, 04:31 AM
I've suggested a "Project Font" variable that all families can assign instead of a specific font. When loaded the family would assume the project font assignment in a given project regardless unless it was specifically intended to be something else in the family.

The original "attitude" toward this issue has been this is something you do once during implementation, set it forget it kind of thing. But unfortunately even a set once and forget it means a fair bit of work. A project font concept would make life easier no matter when such a change was necessary.

It is good to see the activity here and lots of new members contributing. The ideas are always welcome. Do keep in mind that Revit Architecture is about 7 years old now and many of the things getting suggested here and in the MEP forum have been wished in the Revit Architecture wishlist. I just posted a thread regarding this a little bit ago and it would help the development team members that take time to visit our forums if we try to consolidate our wishes logically. Things that span all versions of Revit in the new "parent" Revit Architecture wishlist just created and trade specific features in each own forum until such time as the new wishlist format can be expanded to Structure and MEP. Thanks for listening! :smile:

2007-09-28, 12:36 AM
what about some kind of shared parameter / tag based thing - you would have the choice of the font either being hard coded by the family, or driven by a project parameter(s)

so in your family you would specify the font(s) as either <project font 1> or Arial
you could specify the size as 12pt, or <font size small>
if the family has a hard coded size it overrides any project settings

in your project settings / template (like the project name, address etc), you'd have a another tab that would say <project font 1> - Arial, <font size small> - 8 pt & so on.

i guess the point of contention would be "is it driven by a style that describes all the settings" or "does it apply to parts of the font style (like font name, size, bold/italic etc.)