View Full Version : Toolbars & "Press & Drag" box

2007-04-17, 08:50 PM
I installed 2008 yesterday morning but didn't see this happening:

1. The "Press & Drag" checkbox occupies an entire line right below the browser view ID box.

2. If I point to anything within the Browser panel, the "Press & Drag" line is no longer active so it disappears, making everything shift up a notch.

3. If I select an object (i.e., Wall) the "Edit" function appears on a whole new line below the "Press & Drag" line, shifting everything down a notch.

---> All of these funtions used to appear on a common line to the right of the previous space, appearing as necessary. The bouncing up & down as commands/functions appear/disappear is totally unacceptable & currently very frustrating.

4. If I have the "Press & Drag" function checked & actually select an object, it moves as it becomes highlighted. Like a wall will move 4' from it's current location. Unchecking the "Press & Drag" function makes it difficult to simply highlight an object to view it's properties, for example.

I suspect that this is largely a graphics issue and I did just install a new Nvidia driver, but I rolled that back to the previous version in an attempt to fix this nonsense. My card is a PNY Quadro FX1400, Driver version 91.36.

Whe I first installed 2008 I'm very certain that the GUI didn't change appearance. Unless I'm having a senior moment.

2007-04-17, 09:23 PM
Ive seen peoples toolbars in the office do that if they accidentally grabbed one of the standard toolbars and yanked it in to a strange location. Ive got 9.1 and 2008 installed here and neither are behaving that way. Have you tried dragging the toolbars back to the desired location?

2007-04-17, 09:31 PM
Yup, that's the first thing I tried. They are immovable. As I continue to work here, I have the program adding as many as 3 additional lines to fit single options on each line. Like "Roof" by lines (looking at it now) has a line for Draw/Pick, another for Define Slope checkbox and another below that for the draw commands (Line, Arc, Rectangle, etc).

Very hard to work with the whole window bouncing up & down in front of me.

2007-04-17, 09:46 PM
I had this happen to me when I was attempting to use two monitors. Basically, when the Revit window was beyond the bounds of one of the monitors, this would happen.

The odd thing for me is that when I'd select items and the toolbar would drop, it would actually move the geometry in the model! Very strange error. You might try maximizing Revit in your monitor window, or restore it to a point where it is clearly within the bounds of the monitor. See if that fixes it? It only seemed to happen with two monitors though, so perhaps this is a similar but unrelated problem.

2007-04-17, 10:00 PM
Sorry... I didnt clarify. Right click in a bunch of areas in the toolbars, before trying to relocate it. I *think* there is an option or selector somewhere to LOCK the toolbars, and that is what is in the way of restoring them to their normal configuration...

2007-04-18, 11:55 AM
It was the Dual View settings. We're back to normal.

Thanks for the input.