
View Full Version : Current Work in Progress

2004-07-18, 03:45 PM
Hi Again,

Here are two other little office building remodel projects here in Tucson.

The first, Conquistador, is an executive suite conversion of an old office building. The other, Prime Capital, is a remodel of an old office building which has a rather nice new clerestory added. I show Prime Capital because I like the way you can play with lighting in a project. Bear in mind, I was not doing a full out rendering, hence no finishes except as selected just to give it a nice look. I wanted to give the client an idea of the new space's quality. (I actually have most of the window panels "off" except for the ones behind the camera in order to get some sun into the space for "artistic" effect, in addition to changing the environment so that the interior artificial lighting dominated the rendering, ie: black sky.) Looking at this rendering now, I can tell you this. You learn daily with Revit. I did this one about 2 months ago and I obviously didn't know then, how to add the nosing on my granite counter tops! Conquistador's rendering has them! What a difference a couple months make. Can't wait to see how I use Revit in another year!

For the Conquistador project, I included a "rough" rendering of the exterior walkway for showing how I use rendered views on my design presentations. I like putting both 3d views and these rough rendered drawings on the Preliminary Design sheets; however, I have them printed on my standard 24 x 36 black and white standard title block sheets along with all the plans etc. Since I don't want them to look like photos vs drawings, I use this rough rendering technique I discovered. These are actually rendered views, set to 300 presentation dpi, but I stop them after the second pass which represents about 2 -4 percent completion (just a minute or two), then export to JPG. They tend to have a loose 'sketched' quality when printed black and white on the sheets. I like them.

Hope ya like these.
(I included the non-rendered view again to show off the Palms!)

Steve Shell

Roger Evans
2004-07-18, 07:09 PM
I like the feel of these & the others ~ dedication & persistance obviously pays off

Got any more?

2004-07-19, 03:35 PM
Thanks Roger!

I can't believe how difficult it was to actually post these knowing how many "Revit Masters" are here! However, this forum is such a cool place to get imput and gain knowledge. I really do get a lot out of this board.

Thanks to all who contribute here at AUGI (and former Zoog!) and the Revit team who visit here.
Steve Shell