View Full Version : Line is not drawn correctly at 90 degrees

2007-04-18, 08:35 AM
Hi everyone, when i draw line, 1st point from other object, my line can't be 90 deg, but when i draw 1st point from no where, that problem wont happen. ortho mode is on.
The problem still encounter in all the plane. In 2d plane that line look 90 deg, but when turn 3d plane, that line actually slope. What happen??

2007-04-18, 08:47 AM

How exactly (step-by-step guide please) are you drawing the 90 degree Line?

Is it possible to post a drawing file that exhibits the behaviour you have described above, we can then take a look at the issue / problem (first-hand so to speak).

Have a good one, Mike

2007-04-18, 12:37 PM
Use Pline to create a lwpolyline. All points on the pline inherit the same z-value as the first picked point. It can be Exploded afterwards if necessary.

2007-04-18, 07:50 PM
Hi everyone, when i draw line, 1st point from other object, my line can't be 90 deg, but when i draw 1st point from no where, that problem wont happen. ortho mode is on.
The problem still encounter in all the plane. In 2d plane that line look 90 deg, but when turn 3d plane, that line actually slope. What happen??

What are coordinates of your UCS?

2007-04-19, 02:26 AM

Mike, Pls have a look this dwg.
10Q -zab

2007-04-19, 10:29 PM
I can't reproduce your line except deliberately.
I notice that TARGET = 58191.1424, -7015.2589, 4255.5406.
Try setting it back to 0,0,0.
It may fix the problem but I can't be sure as I don't have the problem.

(DView | Points | Target)

2007-04-20, 12:47 AM
John. May be on monday i show u the video i captured. But when i try others pc, that problem wont come, Easy way is reinstall the software. But i wanna know what is going on. Thank.

2007-04-20, 06:04 AM
Mike, Pls have a look this dwg.Hi

Test conditions:

* Supplied drawing file 661-TEMP.dwg
* AutoCAD 2008.


Using Center OSnap on Circle as first point of Line, I am able to successfully reproduce the blue Line ie I am unable to reproduce the issue / problem you are currently experiencing.

Have a good one, Mike

2007-04-23, 09:50 AM
have a look this this video.
mode : ortho on, only my pc have this problem.