View Full Version : view depth and dashed lines

2007-04-18, 09:45 PM
I am currently having a problem that I thought I had had and fixed before. I have objects that are below my primary view range, and into my total view range popping up as dashed instead of solid. When I had this issue before, someone suggested to go into my visibility graphics and override the setting for projection for that particular thing (which happened to be a wall in that case). This worked just fine. I now have the same issue with a floor, stair, and foundation. I tried the same thing, and it doesn't seem to have any affect. Is that another setting somewhere that can override visibility graphics settings. I have already tried to modify object styles, with no success. If anyone can shed some light on this, it would be much appreciated.

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-04-18, 10:33 PM
The linetype for objects between the bottom of the primary range and the view depth are controlled by the Beyond linestyle. Check to see if it has been set to dashed.

2007-04-19, 12:02 AM
That is such a simple thing and it makes such a big difference. Thanks..!

Now knowing that, I wonder if there needs to be another entry in the "view range" for things above the "top". that way roofs could be easily shown "above". Or better yet a "visibility/graphics" for each range. Did R2008 touch on any of this?

Maybe there is a problem with that I am not seeing?