View Full Version : Default Object Styles in Save to New File

2007-04-20, 10:01 PM
We have a step-by-step process in place for converting old AutoCAD details into new Revit drafting views that is working very well. Our process also works very well for getting drafting views created by our users for a project into the network with very little QC required. The only bump in the road may require and extra step transferring project standards that we would like to avoid. KISS philosophy.

Assume a drafting view is created in a project with everything correct based on our internal template settings for objects styles and more. When we then save this particular drafting view to a new file, the resulting .rvt file defaults to some magic, hidden set of minimum requirements (including Object Styles) that we cannot control.

Does anyone know if there is a way to force the Save to New File... option to look to a particular "template" or are we stuck with transferring project standards after the fact?