View Full Version : Revit 2008 - Please fill me in......

2007-04-22, 07:24 AM
I know you are all busy enjoying 2008 right now. I am wondering what experiences you are having with the new documented and undocumented tools?

Features I really want to know about:

-ROOF TOOL - I heard this is fantastic..WHY?
-ROOF TAGS - what parameters are available to tag? Plate height?

- any new little SITE TOOLS / TOPO tidbits?

- Can you control VISIBILITY of objects in an underlay? BIG ONE!

Any observations are welcome.........

2007-04-22, 01:10 PM
Roof/Slab tool - you create a floor or roof, then have new options in the options bar to add points to the roof/floor. ie for floor drains or high points on a roof. then you can set the elevation of these points. Then the roof/floor structure can be modified to allow the entire assembly to slope to these points or you can specify layers to be "variable" then just these layers will slope, ie roof insulation or concrete topping slab.

You can also use a line instead of points so you can basically draw ridges where you want them then set their heights. I haven't seen a roof tag yet.

NO site tools.

Many graphic tools have been added, basically you can select any object or group of objects in any view and change their everything about them, lineweight, type, cut/surf pattern and color. I don't think you can do anything with undelays though.