View Full Version : dimentioning in legend views

Revit User
2007-04-24, 10:49 AM
Hi everybody

I guess legend views have been created for a component representation in detail and to present something in detail on a sheet i used to dimention it
Does anyone knows how to dimention walls in legends?
If i take a particular wall and put it into a legend view there's no way how i can dimention it
same thing happens to some families whick have let's say top strong reference plane inside a family but i'm unable to snap dimention to that reference..

this is a very frustrating cause i need to draw that component from scrach in order to dimention it.. what the use of a place component command if i cant dimention that component? who should I show it without dimentions applied?

thanks in advance for help//

2007-04-24, 01:31 PM
What version are you using? You can legend objects dimension in Revit 2008. This was not possible in some past releases.

Just to clarify: You can dimension doors, windows and other externay families. You cannot dimension system families.

2007-04-24, 01:37 PM
...legend objects dimension...

Hey Aaron, get some rest buddy. Or lay off the caffeine! ;)