View Full Version : Small Problem, maybe my journel file can save the day?

2007-04-24, 05:30 PM
I've been working for about 2 hours today without a save. Finally get the project where i can plot something. Revit locked up when trying to plot a sheet. It's till locked up at the moment. Is it posssible to quit out and run the journel file to save the work I did? If so, when I run the journel file, how do i keep revit from closing once the journel file has redrawn everything? Or will the file stay open after the journel has completed redrawing to allow me to save the file? Need a litlle help here.

2007-04-24, 05:45 PM
Ok, I quit out of Revit, I see that a jounel file was created right up to the time it locked up. I dropped this journel file onto the Revit app icon which launched Revit, it opened up and within 5 secs it put me into "interactive" mode. Appartently nothing updated.

Please tell me I'm not doing this right.

2007-04-24, 05:56 PM
I have noticed this as well. Try hitting escape before it reaches the end or perhaps editing the last few lines in the journal file. Careful with this though..Copy first. I have met with some success...but it is a little hit or miss.
Good luck.
Best regards,

2007-04-24, 06:05 PM
Thanks for the reply, this is actually more of a big problem then a "small" problem as i stated. I tried the "escape" button once it launched into the project but it still went into "interactive" mode and then stopped after doing about 5 tasks.

In regards to editing the last journal lines in the text file, do you have any recommendations? I could post the file if it helps.

2007-04-24, 06:22 PM
Its been my (extremely limited) experience that it boots you to interactive mode if it encounters something in the journal its not expecting.

I used the (unsupported) script that writes a journal for Batch Rendering, and it worked fine, as long as no unexpected dialogue boxes came up. I wonder if it is having trouble editing something early on in the journal because you crashed and didnt relinquish? Or is it a non-worksetted project?

The batch rendering journals fall apart if ANYTHING isnt perfect.... View name, Warning about linked files, etc.

Just some thoughts on the matter, i cant think of anything else...

2007-04-25, 02:18 PM
Thanks for the help, this gives me some things to think about. I really like the idea of the journal file but it seems to me that it rarely works when you need it to. I rebuilt everything that I lost (better than the first time).

It would be nice if there was a "debugger" for journal files, something that could scan a journal file and debug it, that would be sweet. Is there anything like that available?