View Full Version : Another Title block question

2007-04-25, 12:23 PM
I amcreating a title block with a coordinate system along the edges. On the vertical margins there will be letters spaced every 2 to 3 inches (for example, A thru H). On the horizontal there would numbers spaced every 2 to 3 inches (example 1 thru 20). The purpose of this coordinate system to help locate details on a sheet. If you are looking for detail F5 on a crowded sheet you simply find the letter F on the vertical margin and the number 5 on the horizintal. Where those two coordinates intersect on the sheet is the location of that detail.

So here is my question; is there any way for Revit to automatically number views based where they fall on the sheet?

2007-04-25, 12:37 PM
Revit numbers the details automatically sequencially as they are placed on a sheet, so I do not think the coordinate system will work automatically. I use to use this system years ago in autocad. While nice to use the coordinate system, the contractor will find the detail without it.

The REALLY nice thing, is Revit keeps up with coordinating the references to the detail. Move the detail, all references are automatically updated - that's what I like. You could use API (program it), but I do not know of another way - but that doesn't mean it cannot be done.