View Full Version : Section Box in 3D View

PaperStreet SoapCO
2007-04-26, 03:11 PM
I have found that in RA 2008 when orienting a 3D view to a section or any other view the section box can be seen 'through' the model even if not in wire frame mode. In 9.1 it wasn't like this, and the extra lines that show through make the images a little confusing. Just wondering if there is a way to hide the section box in 3D.

2007-04-26, 03:53 PM
Yes, Select the Section Box. Right Click > Hide in View > Elements.
The section box is there, only hidden.

You can also Right Click > Override Graphics in View > Element > uncheck the Visible box in the upper left corner.

Cool huh? :)

PaperStreet SoapCO
2007-04-26, 03:59 PM
Well I feel stupid not to have tried that. I mean, I'm aware of that feature I just don't know why I didn't think it applied to the section box as well.