View Full Version : Linked files unloading

William Troeak
2007-04-26, 03:50 PM
I have a central file that has a few linked Revit files in to it. When I change to the workset that the link is on it will unload the link. Also if I place the links on there own workset the link will also unload.
Are there any rules to linking files that I need to follow?

2007-07-31, 05:47 PM
I have a similar problem in that the struct rev file and another rev file keep unloading. It is ususally after a STC. We have to continually reload the files. I tried to load them into the central and have the team make new locals from that central. But the rev files still unload for some reason. Any ideas?

2007-07-31, 05:55 PM
My team is also suffering from this issue, but not all of us. I have not had any trouble at all, but a couple of the other team members working from the same central file will sometimes loose the link after a STC.

2007-08-01, 03:40 AM
Just thinking out loud but what build of Revit are you on? The latest build is 20070607_1700 and I have seen people using the older builds having this trouble, but after upgrading to the latest build the problem seems to have gone away. Again just thinking out loud so it may or may not work for every one.

2007-08-01, 04:13 AM
Okay, this sounds familiar to me, so here's my 0.02, although it may not help with the STC issues: we have found that when this comes up it is because your Linked RVT Type properties workset possibly DNE (Does Not Equal) your Instance properties workset for the same RVT...

This can happen when you Link the RVT to the file on one workset as your active, and then change the workset assignment in the properties. I advise my users to go to Edit/New and change the Workset there, too. This resolves the loading/unloading issue when specifying worksets.

I have uncovered in my own testing (subject to user error) that the Type properties are what is connected to Load/Unload function. In other words, Instance = visibility, whereas Type = load/unload. If anyone can confim deny, argue, propose alternate ideas to this, that would be much appreciated (I currently am managing double-digit RVTs on one project, 10+/- RVT's alone make up one building, so any shared experiences and opinions are welcome advice!).

From my own investigations:
Reports Name (Identity Data), e.g. the # of the Reference (similar to the ?logical” name of reference files in Microstation).
Reports under (Other) the Shared Location, which can take you into the Choose Location dialog to move the Instance to another Shared Location, Record the Current Position, or Make Not Shared.

Type (get to this by selecting Edit/New from the Instance Properties dialog):
Reports one thing onlyÜ (under Other) type of link (reference) as an Overlay or as an Attachment...

All the best,

Another possible (perhaps obvious) issue: if any one user manipulates the Manage Links dialog and Unloads a Linked RVT, then this will unload it for everyone else working on the same database after they STC after this individual. However, specifying Worksets does/should not cause the same effects on the Central File.

2007-08-01, 04:52 PM
We are using the "20070607_170" build.

I tried moving the link to it's own workset (as suggested above) but that didn't work. Others on the team still loose the link randomly. All of them claim that they are not unloading it using Link Manager.

2007-08-01, 05:30 PM
Select the linked file, check the instance parameter for workset and also the type parameter for workset...make sure they are the same. You must borrow the entire workset for each if they are different before you can assign them to the same. Let us know if that works. It would be nice to pin down the issue once and for all.

Also make sure everyone is using the same build.

2007-08-01, 05:54 PM
Select the linked file, check the instance parameter for workset and also the type parameter for workset...make sure they are the same. You must borrow the entire workset for each if they are different before you can assign them to the same. Let us know if that works. It would be nice to pin down the issue once and for all.

Also make sure everyone is using the same build.Yep, both the type and instance are set to the new workset.

2007-08-21, 10:08 PM
Here's another thought: check the Manage Links dialog and make sure that every Linked RVT is set to Absolute and is pointing to a common drive-letter instead of to the root UNC path. You will most likely have to do this in the Central file to change the Saved Path and Local Alias to point to the drive letter itself and it may require using the Reload From command. Let us know if that solves the problems.