View Full Version : Break Line not masking properly

2007-04-26, 05:09 PM
With the break line now having a masking region, I can't get it to work. I downloaded from the web library to make sure it's the latest. It "masks" the detail lines properly at first, then if you move the shape handles, it won't hide anything anymore. I have pushed all the "bring to front" "send to back" buttons on both the break line and the detail lines, but nothing changes anything.

Anyone else having this problem? I have to get a project out tomorrow!

2007-04-26, 08:11 PM
odd, my break line component works fine. It is the same family we were using before from 9.1, but I hit Edit Family and sure enough it is a Masking Region (not a filled region). I placed it in some wall section and drafting views and it seems to work properly.

2007-04-27, 01:39 PM
Ran into the same thing on my end. I edited the family and rebuilt the region as a filled region instead of masking region and upon reload it worked like old again.

2007-04-27, 01:54 PM
Ran into the same thing on my end. I edited the family and rebuilt the region as a filled region instead of masking region and upon reload it worked like old again.

How is that possible, being that there is no longer a "No Pattern" button for filled regions? If you did a solid fill white, then it's going to look like a solid filled region when you export to CAD.

PaperStreet SoapCO
2007-04-27, 02:14 PM
A fellow coworker ran into this yesterday and it turned out it was because the view was set to wireframe, once he switched it to HL it was fine. This is probably not the problem in your case, but I thought I'd share just in case....

2007-04-30, 05:11 PM
Yes! Thank you - the masking region on the break line will not work correctly unless view set to hidden line. Problem solved (unless I need a break line with wireframe - then need to revert to filled region as suggested above).