View Full Version : Revit Content built for earler versions

2007-04-26, 07:10 PM
I am planning on creating content for Revit2008 and my question is this:

Will the content that I build in 2008 be able to be used in older versions? I know that content built in older versions are not able to be used in 2008

If not, then I should build content for both the new version and the older ones - Yes / No?(How many people upgrade and how many stay with the old version)

Thanks for any input that you might have.

Thanks and have a great day! :)

2007-04-26, 07:33 PM
Will the content that I build in 2008 be able to be used in older versions?

Nope. Content made in 2008 will only work in 2008 and most likely any future versions.

I know that content built in older versions are not able to be used in 2008

This is wrong. I've got content from R3.1 that I still use today. What you run into here is that certain functionality will be missing even post upgrade. For example, a handrail made in R5 won't suddenly gain the new abilities that were added to handrails in R7. It will work just fine, it will just remain the 'old' way. So if this doesn't bother you then it's not an issue actually. The content works just fine.

If not, then I should build content for both the new version and the older ones - Yes / No?(How many people upgrade and how many stay with the old version)

Most folks upgrade pretty quick. So if you made it all in 9.1, and then upgraded it to 2008, so that you can offer it in both that would probably be best...

2007-04-27, 02:52 PM
[QUOTE=Jeffrey McGrew]Nope. Content made in 2008 will only work in 2008 and most likely any future versions.

This is wrong. I've got content from R3.1 that I still use today. What you run into here is that certain functionality will be missing even post upgrade. For example, a handrail made in R5 won't suddenly gain the new abilities that were added to handrails in R7. It will work just fine, it will just remain the 'old' way. So if this doesn't bother you then it's not an issue actually. The content works just fine.

Hello Jeffrey
Thanks for the info. I have tried to download some content off of the web to take a look at it and I can open it up in R9, but I am not able to open it up into R2008.
Here is a screen shot of the message.

Thanks for your help! :)

2007-04-27, 03:04 PM
I have tried to download some content off of the web to take a look at it and I can open it up in R9, but I am not able to open it up into R2008.
Here is a screen shot of the message.
You are getting your versions mixed up. The file cannot be opened with R9. It can be opened with 2008.

2007-04-27, 03:28 PM
Yeah, that's the standard error message when you try to open 'future' content in an older version of Revit.

2007-04-27, 05:12 PM
You are getting your versions mixed up. The file cannot be opened with R9. It can be opened with 2008.

When they changed the naming of the product it messed me up.

I just went back and look at the versions again....I have
Revit9 which will not open up the file that I attached. I also have Revit Architecture 2008 which will not open it up either. I will dig out my 8.1 disk and install that and see what happens.

Thanks for the input...I can sure tell that today is Friday..... :)

2007-04-27, 05:44 PM
The file you attached was saved using 2008. My version of 2008 opens it.

There's no reason to bother reinstalling 8.1, you won't be able to open it with that either.

2007-04-27, 06:37 PM
I am going to have to take a look at my install. I am getting a funny message every time I start up the program. I will check with Autodesk to see if they can shed some light... Thanks for your help
Have a nice weekend!!!

2007-04-27, 07:10 PM
I also have Revit Architecture 2008 which will not open it up either. Opens fine in 2008 for me. As it did not come up with the "upgrading file" warning, it appears to be a 2008 file. I've saved it in 2008 - see if you can open the attached.

2007-04-27, 07:16 PM
I know that the conversation got off on the opening bit and not trying to detract from that but answer your original question......

I am on subscription and will be moving to RAC2008 by the end of May at the latest. ( I am trying to complete several projects and can not afford for mishaps due to upgrading) Having said that I am sure that atleast 40% of Revit users will not upgrade right away so I would make the content with R9(.1) and then you have a larger audience that you are helping!

My 2 cents.... Thanks for listening. :)

2007-05-14, 02:18 PM
Opens fine in 2008 for me. As it did not come up with the "upgrading file" warning, it appears to be a 2008 file. I've saved it in 2008 - see if you can open the attached.

Thanks for your help
I download a newer version of Revit 2008 and everything seemed to be working fine. I must have an older version. But at any rate I am up and running and will be able to create content soon.

Have a great day!!! :)