View Full Version : Area Boundary Lines

2007-04-30, 07:00 PM
I'll just paste in my support request to Adesk and see if anyone has any suggestions?

:I am making area plans for multiple design options and have created an area scheme for each. Since Revit calculates an area boundary for gross building area to the outside face of finish, I have opted to create boundary lines without area rules applied so that I can place on core face. (Is there a way to tell revit to calculate from core face instead of finish face so I can apply the area rules?) When I do not apply the area rules, I use the pick tool and keep the lock function on, but when trying to select the core face of wall, Revit gives an error telling me it cannot create the line, but no explanation given. So this forces me to use the pencil tool to draw around my core face. Revit will not give me the lock symbol when trying to align the boundary line to the core face, so nothing is locked and it is leaving me with a bunch of lines to keep track of, leaving me room to make errors with my area calculations. Why can I not lock my boundary lines to the core face?

After I placed this request, I cont'd with the method mentioned and found that if I were picking the core face on any wall that was not part of a design option, then it would place the line. Also, if I were picking a core face for any wall in the primary option, it would place the line, but when picking any element part of a design option other than the primary, Revit would tell me that it could not place the line, forcing me to use the pencil.

Has anyone else experienced this? Generally in residential, at least around here, you go to the core face, that's why I opted to do it this way. Thing is, I didn't start that way, so my correspondence with the real estate broker has been quite confusing, since he has insisted on his SF numbers in the middle of design, so they kept changing. I'm just afraid with not being able to lock my lines to the walls, that I may miss something when finishing these things up if anything happens to move.


2007-04-30, 07:12 PM
Ive found that depending on the Area TYPE, once i close the area the Area boundaries will shift to the appropriate location... Center of wall, or inside of all, outside of wall, etc.

I havent had much success getting them to the outside of core though, i do the same thing as you, with the pencil tool. Then i have to select all the interior walls too... Weeeeee

2007-04-30, 07:23 PM
Also, I know where to go in the help file to find what rules Revit is using for gross building areas, but where does this information come from? I'm familiar with BOMA for rentable areas, but I'm talking gross building.


2007-04-30, 09:30 PM
I just thought I would paste in my support request response to this issue in case others were running across the same problem.

Thanks for the additional information. The message you are getting about cannot create line is because the wall you are trying to pick cannot be detected in the current design option. If the wall cannot be selected in the view then the boundary line cannot be created using the pick wall tool. Unfortunately, the only option is to draw the lines like you have. The reason you cannot lock the boundary to the wall is the same reason. The wall is not part of the current design option and thus Revit cannot see it when it is looking for something to lock the line to.
I do realize that being able to lock boundary lines to walls that are not in the primary or main model would be important functionality. I will submit a wish list item to our development team to review for this feature to be included into a future release of the product. I am sorry for any inconvenience this issue may cause you.
So I guess having to draw the lines with the pencil is just how it is for now. At least I know it is a limitation rather than just something going haywire in my file.


2007-04-30, 10:01 PM
no fully understanding what you need to calculate, I wonder if you couldn't use rooms (which have area calculation rules that meet your needs). Rooms can be part of design options. If you need to "group" rooms together to get a larger area you can use a parameter like Deptartment and have multiple room schedules that filter and total the informatio you need. You can also do color plans by dept. and then lay out a sheet that ties schedules, colored plans and legends together.


2007-04-30, 10:51 PM
maybe I shouldlnt' have used the word calculate. I just simply want the square footage of the home. Gross footprint, living area, garage etc. That's it. Gross footprint area scheme, not a rentable area scheme. The problem was using the pick tool without area rules applied when createing this type of scheme so that I could pick the core face, since revit only picks the finish face when you are choosing walls when applying area rules.


Chris DiSunno
2008-05-29, 04:51 PM
Does 2009 automatically select the interior or exterior of a wall core yet for an area type? I can't seem to get it to do this without individually selecting walls.