View Full Version : CAD Link Disappeared

2007-05-03, 04:14 PM
We have an AutoCAD site plan linked into our file and located in place. It's linked in, not imported. However it has disappeared on my screen, it's only missing in my local file. My coworkers still have it in their file, it's in the central file, when I open the central file I see in in the thumbnail preview. However when I open it, it's gone. I got to Manage Links... it's still loaded. I got to Visibility Graphics and it's turned on. I even went as far to turn on ALL workset, ALL annotation objects, ALL model objects and it's still not there, but it's still there on my coworkers screen.

Please help! Extremely confused! Head is spinning!

Thanks in advance!

2007-05-03, 05:54 PM
Just make a new local from the central. If its still gone, then in short order it will be gone in everyones, typically what happens is it reloads to it orgin so if you turn off crop and zoom extents you'll find it out in space somewhere.

2007-05-03, 07:22 PM
I've made a new local and it's still gone in my computer. I had others remake their local files too and they still had it. It's still listed under "Manage Links", I've reloaded a few times and it's not out in space anywhere (that's happened a few times already so I know where look for it out in space, and it's not there).

So should I expect this link to start disappearing from everyone else's file before long? If that happens, will I be able to unload the link and just re-path it? If that's the case, couldn't I just go ahead and do that now?

2007-05-03, 09:05 PM
Have you checked if "import in families" is turned on under the imported categories tab for the visibility graphic of that particular view? This is one of the common problems where CAD imports (immaterial of whether they're linked or imported) don't show. Let me know how that works!

P.S. you can still work with your old local file. Just check the above setting.

2008-04-28, 03:28 PM
We have been having this same problem... hardcore.... and Scott's post is the problem we have been having: origin. When we reload, it disappears and we find is several "miles" away, because I guess it is reloading at it's origin?

Can we fix this permanently? Adjust the origin? Make sure the Revit model and the AutoCAD site are using the same origin? How could this be accomplished?


Andre Carvalho
2008-04-28, 03:57 PM
Import you DWG file center to center, move to where you want it to be, go to Tools > Shared Coordinates > Acquire coordinates > pick the DWG file.

Revit will match the DWG coordinates even if it is close to the Revit origin and not far away from it.

Andre Carvalho

2008-05-06, 06:47 PM
So now that I've done this, the CAD file should stay in place as different people open up the file?

In the meantime, I'm going to go read that whole big giant thread on "Aquired Coordinates." Scarry.

Thanks for the help.

Andre Carvalho
2008-05-09, 03:27 PM
Yes it should. You can always add a pin to it, also.

Andre Carvalho